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Posts posted by ZeroCool

  1. Re: Shit The Shit Thread


    Damn my girl found a skimpy shirt left by my good friend who is a girl and she started freaking out. I guess I'd freak out too if I found like some dudes pants at her house but come on. So I got to go have my friend call her now and explain that its her shirt.

  2. ringos-death.jpg




    Johnny Ringo: Isn't anyone here man enough to play for blood?

    Doc Holliday: I'm your huckleberry.


    Doc Holliday: It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.


    Cowboy: I got you now, you son of a bitch!

    Doc Holliday: You're a daisy if you do!


    So many fucking quotables.......

  3. Re: Shit The Shit Thread


    I polished off a 5th of jack last night, shot some pool and had disgusting jack in the box. I only crave jack in the box when I'm drunk. After all that mad brew and fast food I feel like shit. I even feel more like shit when I checked my re-dial registry. I made about 20 drunk calls to my girlfriend and have no fucking clue what I said. I even called her actual house line and woke up her family.


    Anyone out there ever do the drunk dialing thing? I for some reason only do it when I drink really heavily, almost to the point of passing out. I end up calling ex-girlfriends or current girlfriends. I find it odd that I don't try to call just a good friend.


    I think I need to designate a phone number on my phone to drunk dial so I could avoid making a mess of things......

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