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Posts posted by ZeroCool

  1. Threads been slow and thought I'd save. Here's how a real team alpo member gets down. So after a week of being responsible with work, school, taking care of a sick relative and pets, and having only 3 hours of sleep a day I manage to unwind by drinking for 18 hours straight on friday no joke. A whole day of drinking, weed cookies, blow, mad bowls, poon, fighting, and a bucket of KFC is definate team alpo foundership status. PS drunk off a 5th of rum, a couple lines, and a couple of bowls and bowls of flip food.



    "Anyone talk about my team of alpo members can eat a hot one"



    -Zero aka magnum o'piss

    the atrocious dopest

    that'll make you eat ho piss

    and vanish with two words bitch......

    Hocus Pocus

  2. Re: TEAM ALCO


    Sorry guys I've been a little busy doing much needed partying.




    And that was only a eigth of what we went through. Many beer runs. Many margaritas and a beach setting. It was awesome. I'm also a genius on the grill, no doubt, but you cant work sober I had to kick a few back while working my magic.


    Check the bulletin.

    Over and out.

  3. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


    Hahaha.....My friend and I were eating at an italian place and he orders a regular soda and the waitress is like one diet coming up and he said bitch did i order a fucking diet she jumps back and apologizes but as shes walking away my friend grabs his gut and says miss I will have that diet. I was fuckin dyin of laughter......in conclusion im getting my gym pass on monday and i urge that you probably should too since summer is coming up.

  4. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


    Any of you guys get invited to swing by to a girls house that you used to fuck cause she wants you to meet her new boyfriend cause she'd think you'd get along? Shes also like dont worry I havent told him about you but still its like in the back of your mind....


    "Hi hows it going. Im the dude your girl was fuckin before you and probably will be later given the chance."


    I threw in the towel all together and severed the contacts cause I dont want to deal with that shit.

  5. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


    My Weekend With The Miss.


    Ok This will probably be one of my last posts for awhile. I feel I've been spending too much time on here so after today and tomorrow morning don't expect another awesome story for at least a month. I'll still lurk for a few min or two but not hours like I usually do. So after tomorrow morning if you need to contact me do it on the Team Alco myspace or my own. Now on with the show.


    So I had the parentals pad for the weekend and decided to take full advantage of it with my woman. We arrived on Friday at 10PM. Grabbed some Sonics and a bottle of wild turkey. Had drunk love and went to bed. Woke up the next day and took a shower. After I drew a bath....





    Hopped in with the woman and chillaxed listening to explosions in the sky (suggested by HighSociety) and Manitoba's crayon (suggested by El Mams). A 45 min soak in bath milk and salts is amazing. Definitely better with a partner while playing around with the good parts.


    Hopped out took a nap for about 5 hours. Woke up and decided to go out to dinner and a movie. We went to the elephant bar where I couldn't help but flirt with every waitress in there. My girl understands that I can't stop being amazing around other woman. I think she enjoys it actually and to tell you the truth I don't mind letting her know I still got it. I order a tri-tip and vegetables and was severely disappointed. So I had to take down a couple jack and cokes. Paid for the bill and got the fuck out of there.


    We had about an hour to kill before the movies so we decided to drive around a bit. I find it cute that when you drive around the ghetto the girl your with gets all scared and shit. I feel like a real tough guy. We end up at the movie theaters with 5 min to spare and there's some nut outside preaching about god and how the end is coming. He gave me this cleverly designed card which I believed it was a blockbuster card at first but....you'll see.......





    Wild shit. Anyways we watched 300. Now I'm not gay but I wouldn't mind Leonidas chilling in my room while I fuck my girl yelling "For Spartaaaaaa!!!!" Anyways I got what I paid for. If you're watching that movie with the intention to make connection between it and historical facts you wont enjoy it but if you watch the movie with the mind frame that it's based off a comic book you'll appreciate it for what it is.


    Head back to the pad for some more naughty lovin'. Oh and it is a big deal cause I haven't seen my lady for about 2 weeks prior to this weekend on the account of me always being with other friends. So we fell asleep watching the history channel which was airing the battle of Thermopylae. I had some crazy dreams two of them involving EBP's girl but I didn't think anything of it cause they were tossed in there with dreams of me killing people and riding unicorns. PS I was very drunk before we went to bed.


    Woke up and decided to lube up in the shower and have some crazy sex. Got the idea from this site.. http://tour.bigwetbutts.com/t1/. Hit up some lube and some olive oil all over our body and it felt like fucking one giant big vagina due to all the wetness.




    Pic of the olive oil but I forgot to flickature the lubes. Anyways highly recommended just be careful since everything is slippery and you could lose balance and snap your dick in half. Also when you clean up in the shower all the oil and lube hits the floor and you now have turned the shower into a giant death trap. After the shower I drew another bath.....





    Took flicks of the woman....



    Just a sampler the rest are for my eyes only. Had some more fun in the hot tub which I'm going to have to say was the best part of the weekend. Theres nothing funner than relaxing in a tub full of hot water and turning the cold water on just to splash around. I played the same music as before which reminds me I need some more mellow songs.


    Hopped out took a nap for about an hour then proceeded to make love in every nook and cranny of my parents house excluding their bedroom cause that shits just weird. I can't understand people who fuck in their parents bedrooms. Afterwards made an awesome dip for Taquitos which goes as follows....









    Which is delicious and when combined with a couple of these....




    Its all good.


    Random pics of interest.


    Bath and shower where a lot of magic happened.



    Living room A



    but we mostly chilled in living room B where I hooked up my laptop to the big screen and the quality was surprisingly good.



    I decided to flick this as we were packing up cause i thought it was funny that i threw the birth control right next to the Wild Turkey. Classy.



    Well I guess thats it. This is Zero signing off.


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