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Everything posted by vanfullofretards

  1. also: "I'm gonna go over there and uh... schling a schlong" I watched Green Street Hooligans a couple days ago and all I could think of when I saw Elijah Wood was Frodo Bagginsworth
  2. vanfullofretards


    Your in the prone position right? I just stayed a little behind the other guy and I made it through the first time, I was playing on regular difficulty though.
  3. vanfullofretards


    So I'm new to Xbox live and I just started playing COD4 online... why does it take so long for me to start playing? I just sit there and sit there waiting for other people to join my match, why cant I just join one already going?
  4. So skumbag fuck **friend* was like I'm gonna mace you............. ........and you weren't down... and then it was like ohhhh (SHIT)?....... with the dead guys eyeball?
  5. I think he got maced by a brothers skumbag (FUCK)
  6. Laymans terms would help. Wheres the Admin CP? Is there a way to get .gifs to work as your desktop background?
  7. I just saw No Country for Old Men... it's fucking fantastic!! Definitely an instant classic. Javier Bordem who plays Anton Chigurh is the meanest, most ruthless character I've ever seen in a film. It was definitely worth my $6, but I have a feeling it would lose a lot of it's luster on the small screen.
  8. vanfullofretards


    My Xbox 360 status is "no pending repair", last week it said they received the device. Does that mean they aren't going to repair it, or that they already have?
  9. I'm running XP, that link doesn't work, and I cant find it by searching the site. Fuck computers.
  10. I cant change anything in my desktop background, except for the color. When I go to desktop properties I cant click browse, My pictures, or position, they're all grayed out. I don't think its a virus because I ran Adaware and it didn't change anything. Some help would be much appreciated.
  11. THE RESURRECTION!!! "The tree of liberty must from time to time be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure." ---Thomas Jefferson "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson "Many people die at twenty five and aren't buried until they are seventy five." --- Benjamin Franklin "God did not create us, we created god" --- Christopher Hitchens "People some times say there must be more than just this world, than just this life. But how much more do you want? We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they're never going to be born. The number of people that could be in your place out number the sand grains of the Sahara, if you think about all the different ways our genes could be permuted... you and I are quite grotesquely lucky to be here.. the number of events that had to happen in order for you to exist, in order for me to exist. We are privileged to be alive and we should make the most of our time on this planet" --- Richard Dawkins
  12. vanfullofretards


    360 for sure, even though mine broke down on me a few weeks ago. Anyone know how long it takes to get it back after you've sent it off to the repair center?
  13. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD What the fuck are you talking about? This is the best page yet that I've seen
  14. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread So I'm going downstairs last night to go to bed (i live in the basement) and when i get to the bottom of the stairs BAM! I'm standing in an inch of fucking water. Everything on the ground was ruined.. including some sketch books. So aaaallll today I had to help my mom shop-vac up some stinky ass rainwater out of the carpet. It's still soaked so im crashin on the couch tonight. Oh, and the ceiling is leaking and there's four more days of rain in the forecast. GREAT END TO THE SUMMER!!!
  15. vanfullofretards


    Does anyone know where I could download Total Annihilation without a torrent? I cant understand those things for the life of me.
  16. Dont you think that pink font makes you look like a flaming douche bag?
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