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Everything posted by vanfullofretards

  1. My golden retriever tries to screw my cat all the time, he's a weird dog. He actually just had a seizure about an hour ago.. pissed himself and everything.
  2. What do you mean? He's introduced countless bills into congress but always gets shot down. What else could he do as a congressman?
  3. Try looking at the other side of the argument. Wouldn't you want to be in charge of your own healthcare rather than some faceless bureaucrat? Fuck putting more trust into the government. Ron Paul on healthcare
  4. Because then he would just be poor
  5. You stupid little monkeys... George Carlin on religion If you truly believe you have an open mind, and you are not atheist, I challenge you to watch these videos. I cannot see how you, a logical person, could believe in a higher power. I fuckin' love youtube.
  6. Jesus got mad up in Mesopotamia circa 20 A.D. Bombed the fuck outta the 2's and 5's Fo' REAL
  7. Cars will never blow the fuck up if its shot, crashed or goes off a cliff. I hate that.
  8. Re: Who's a vegan? http://thebear.org/essays1.html#anchor496162 "The female hormones seem cause a strong craving for carbs, as the female body isn't fertile without a layer of fat. This makes this diet very hard for women to follow. Traditionally the women are the gatherers of fruits and (starchy) roots, while the men are the hunters. This is shown today in the different ways men and women go about buying things. The gals "shop" which is a trip through the entire store or mall in search of things to buy. They may not actually buy (gather) anything. The guys on the other hand know what they are after, and then seek it out (hunts it down) and buys it, usually then taking it home right away." ---Owsley Stanley on his all carnivorous diet (dude who was THE supplier of most of the acid in the 60's)
  9. Not to mention that I've never heard of an international house of waffles...
  10. http://www.snopes.com/history/american/lincoln-kennedy.asp
  11. When I tried saliva it felt like i "fuzzed" out of reality and i was in (of all places) a train station. It lasted a few minutes then i was sober but just kinda tweakin. Wierd ass shit but not really that great. (P.S. lets hope this thread will stay alive i bet it will spark some good discussion.)
  12. When I tried salvia it felt like i dropped out of reality and i was (in of all places) a train station. It lasted for a few minutes then i was just kind tweakin.
  13. mmmm warm soft fluffy buttery pancakes mmmmmmmmm
  14. This is some real heavy shit right here
  15. Whats a liger? it's like a lion and a tiger mixed.
  16. I'll admit I was undecided until i saw Sneak's first post. PANCAKES.
  17. Uhhhh.... they were in a privately owned stadium. Freedom of speech doesn't really apply there. Yeah everyones out to get Ron Paul.. it's a big conspiracy :rolleyes: READ BOOKS FOOOOLZ
  18. Anyone ever think that if the earth warms up more water will evaporate causing more clouds to form and therefore cool down the earth?
  19. Posting pics of Hasselhof only makes you gayer. Gay boy.
  20. Satanas is gay. Discuss.
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