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Paris Filtin

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Everything posted by Paris Filtin

  1. haha this is great. more retarded pics!!
  2. sucked, it was only a block away from the post, but they sped off fast and no one was there. i think a witness got the plates. they dont breed em like they used to shai. i mean shit,. me, mikey and brad were there dressed in business clothes talking about "what would have happened back when". but, there's a bunch a little fixed gear idiots on the road now. it's sad, but also, it's ghood to see the ones of us that made it out alive are all doing well. and RIP to all our friends that didnt make it. **currently very sad and wanting to get very drunk.
  3. HAHA, not to laugh, but me an silver were talking about the running from cops wasted bart stair extravaganza earlier too. that WAS funny.
  4. it just sucks to me, that kids, little punk teenagers i guess, think it's funny, and i gotta call his ol lady who is at home with his baby and tell her what happened and hear her responce and think of them probably like, "hahah, on man, and then, he bounced like this! awsome!" fuckin makes me angry
  5. i just had to watch a good friend get loaded into an ambulance after a car full of teenage fucks ran him off the road (on his bike) and drove off laughing. he will probably be ok, broken collar bone and hand most likely, but he's got a baby to take care of, and cant afford this shit. i dont even know how he would get any insurance money if they ran off. i heard someone got the license plate number, we were all hoping to get a peak at that shit. i just dont fucking understand people. how the fuck is that funny? how is that entertaining to hurt and possibly kill someone who you dont know? ugh. fuck. i hate people.
  6. yeah. im not so into that, banks fuck with you and let you spend money you dont have. i like feeling my money. and having access to it whenever.
  7. so long as they dont fuck with quarters. niggas gotta do laundry round hurrr
  8. there is so much more out there than simply a wolf.
  9. does ANYONE wanna take it?!?!?!? i dont know if alure ever got it
  10. well shit. i am going to lunch, i faxed the new one to alure. hopefully it's all good. peace n hair grease
  11. i heard there are a bunch a urban folk runnin wild in portland with they stunna shades on. hahaha. potland.
  12. all my faxes automatically are sent PDF to my email. so i can post it up when it's done, or email it to whoever
  13. word. it'll be there in like 2 minutes, this one's jus me & clue
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