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Everything posted by Mono

  1. Dont put 3d on em, you shouldve done that straight away, now you'd just fuck it up. Anyway heres my part of the xchange with dripuk (Junk) Any1 up for an exchange? I write Zino (yeah dripuk, pretty drunk making that N into an L ;) nic exchange though)
  2. I'll do an exchange if you're still up for it.. will be tomorrow evening uploading though, gonna be late this night. (I'm in Europe so that'll be... evening for you?) By the way; I write ZINO or DONER. what suits you.
  3. Mono


    Damn, he doesnt look too happy.. anyone got a link to the hanging-video?
  4. why make it, when only few can read what it says?
  5. Did you see his leg swing into the air like a fuckin gymnastics dude, at about 3:10/3:15 when he gets tazed again. Beautifull. By the way, let em taze him, i guess he did something wrong.
  6. Thats because its a K, and i recon you cant really apreciate it then either :) Thanks though.
  7. so.. my first pic here... burn me
  8. Holy crap, i got to change my name :|
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