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stunt double

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Posts posted by stunt double

  1. My brother had a bunch of alcohol related offences that ended up resulting in a bunch of cases... He lawyered up, and started attending AA. Going onto some sort of alcohol treatment program of your own volition shows that you are aware of the problems that your drinking has caused and are trying to help yourself... When the lawyer representing my bro explained that he was already seeking treatment, my bro ended up with a fine, no conviction and a bunch of other smaller charges getting dropped.


    This was in QLD, not too sure about victorian law tho...

  2. "Legendary NY graffiti artist and How to Make It in America guest star Lee Quinones worked with ALIFE founders Rob Cristofaro and Arnaud Dellecolle on a custom design that evoked the show's "American Dream" theme. The image of a pair of crossed fingers holding a hundred dollar bill represents the hustle and hope for success.s"


    woah, Lee is in this show? crazy...

  3. gonna take some nice food to my brother who is in hospital... other than that, watch some epidodes of the IT crowd, listen to records and drink beer... when you are single, valentines day is ultimately meaningless.

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  4. Somebody tell Rime from MSK that there is already another Rime. I saw his throwup in my neighborhood when i was rollerblading to pick up some groceries. His stuff is clean too. I see this all to often, people taking other people's names. People have to be more creative these days


    i think that this might be the best thing that i have ever read.

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