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rubbish heap two

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Posts posted by rubbish heap two

  1. top tube length + stem length is the most important measurement for fit IMO. you can always change out your seatpost / stem out on a small frame, on a too-big frame all you can do is grow. i ride a 53 myself and i'm 5'11, but than again i like a good saddle-to-bars drop and riding in the drops in a horizontal position when it gets windy, so the seatpost is high and the bars are low. either way, if he like's the bars / seat to be somewhat even he can still achieve it with one of those stupid tall nitto stems.

  2. i hate all of you!!! get out of the fucken road!!! niggas need to get run the fuck over


    there's a reason some people keep u-locks in their back pocket.

  3. ^ ^ ^ that curvy hill at the end was cool, i wish i could go down it. reminds me of snowboarding. i get bored quick with some of these videos though, leg over bar skids aren't really that exciting to watch, it's hard to blow my mind.


    example of mind blowing footage for me:

    at 00:50. backwards circle bar spin, jesus.


    but on that same note, this

    blows my mind hardcore, theo bos is the man...
  4. i predict joker goes to bike central and buys either that fancy cinelli or guerciotti track frame hanging on the wall, tubular wheel setup, and campy where it counts, than immediately go to alpenrose... but who knows, maybe he'll blow my mind and build up a fixed beach cruiser instead :)


    edit: nevermind, didn't notice the "new friends shop opening up" thing. is it gonna be a new shop in portland or what?

  5. that gan well pro with risers is terrible.


    edit - all three from the "in the shop" part are gut wrenching.


    gut wrenching in that they look like they came out of the bay i guess. if a complete stranger wants to have two aerospokes on his bike i could care less. now, if a close friend came up to me and said they were going to do the same i'd talk a bunch of shit and whatnot about things like 'impracticality', but that's a different story. there's a lot worse things being ridden on the roads: fragile department store bikes come to mind.

  6. hmm yeah, that's not too bad. i'd say the best bet would be to seek out the wheelbuilder with the best reputation in turn that stocks those rims that you're looking into and have him build you a set, because a good hand wheelbuild really makes a huge difference compared to a subpar build from a mechanic who doesn't know what he's doing, or a machine laced wheel. it's worth a little extra dough.






    i got some double straps today. only set up one so far (what a pain in the ass it is to install these straps into mks sylvan track peds...) and rode around w/ mismatched pedals, but man, there's such a noticable difference between my new setup (nice doubles) and my old (non-laminated singles).


    i also rode clipless today on someone else's bike. it felt a little funny for skid stops, not as solid as i was hoping for, but i can see why it'd be vastly superior to anything else on a road bike/freewheel when all you need to worry about is having that perfect spin.

  7. I'm sort of looking for something in between. Clincher, definitely not tubular. Something that could be taken to the track and not immedietely smoldered, but also is down for streetability. I suppose I'm asking for the best of both worlds; Light and not as heavy as the Deep V's, but still tough enough to thrash on. I've been looking at Mavic Ellipses. I just don't want something that is going to be completely unusuable at the track.


    look into mavic open pros and velocity aeroheads as well. are you a heavy guy or not?

  8. amorphic, are you trying to get a true track wheelset, as in lightweight rims like araya's made to be ridden with tubular tires laced to looseball hubs, or are you talking about a "track" wheelset that you plan on taking to the street... as in formula/phil/miche hubs sealed laced to some deep v's/open pro's/whatever... if you're trying to go the second route, benscycle.net has about the best deal you'll find, but it'd be good to get them trued after they ship because they're not the best builders in the world. velocity/formula (2) would run you about $235 shipped, more for phil woods/nicer hubs. dunno what to say for the first route because i don't run tubulars.


    but if you can get something comparable in price locally, it's way better to just seek out the best wheel builder in town and have him build up your wheelset. saves time and supports local bike shops.

  9. Bump bump bump.


    Went to Alpenrose today. 49x16 was treating me pretty nice doing laps. I hope that congress bill passes that will get 2 new velodromes built in OR... that'd be nice. The weathers really good today, Joker's probably out training.

  10. nice, joker. wouldn't it be nice if the wait for a vanilla wasn't 3 million years + the down payment of atleast one kidney? i've seen maybe 2 in portland but they are classsssy.

  11. ^ ^ ^ too bad he crashed it on the landing... the video of him doing it was pretty sick tho.


    soup, those motorcycle-like bikes are funny to look at as weird novelties that you'd never ride around in real life. the fact that they're wack is the point. lol.

  12. i dont understand why you need double straps this and that. rock mks peds and single good leather straps. your done. those power things are for faggots.


    dont you / didn't you ride clipless? in my mind, the more me-to-bike feel i can get without sacrificing convenience (i.e., clipless), the better.

  13. Dude if I see you riding around with those straps I am going to pull out my pocket GONG so fast the neoprene will melt.... why would you have to decide whether to get leather double straps or neoprene powergrips... Go to Bike Central, ask Dean about them, he will prolly lose it... he hates harder than anyone on the internet...hahaha


    because it's about the $$$$$... buying / coming up on some powergrips for little to nothing vs. investing in some quality double straps (not trying to go for some cheap unlaminated ones), having to get new clips and pedals (my pedals weren't built for doubles), it adds up.


    but yeah, dean is a homie and a bike snob too, no one builds a better wheel than him in town. i can understand his attitude though, he's a purist.

  14. great weather in portland today eh joker? april showers...








    what kind of exercises/techniques can i do to improve my spin / cadence? i'm constantly obsessing over how to improve it. i'm running a pretty spin-friendly gear right now as well.

  15. ^ ^ ^ track standing a freewheel isn't that big of a deal.


    so the main advantage of radial lacing is lighter weight because you're taking a few spokes off, and possible increased aerodynamics, or what? this is for front wheels by the way. nobody seems to have a definite answer.

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