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rubbish heap two

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Posts posted by rubbish heap two

  1. if you don't like something in a year, the nice thing about bikes is if you buy high quality / sought-after parts, you can sell them at a minimal loss (and possibly break even or make profit if the prices go up or you have something hard to find/rare) as long as you don't get in a colission or treat your bike like total shit. unfortunately, pista concepts aren't hard to find or rare, but they are in demand and probably will be in a year from now, if not by hipsters than by people racing them on the velodrome.

  2. there's also masi's similar but more expensive (?) version of a track frame that resembles a pista concept but is probably nicer. my friend had one, i never rode it but it was about the lightest bike i've ever picked up (some carbon parts on it though, but a heavy wheelset with phil hubs).


    http://www.masibikes.com/cycles/coltello_frame.php expensive, lightweight and.... not made by the original masi. too bad. i'd rather have a steel frame myself but that's me, i haven't ridden enough aluminum to really form a well-balanced opinion but what i have ridden, i didn't like all that much.

  3. i had one for a long time. it lasted me the longest for a rear tire but it also had a stiffer feel than everything else i've ridden. they are a good tire for flat protection though.

  4. just fyi, bianchi pista's are for clueless hipsters that just heard track bikes are cool to ride and just went out to the nearest LBS to buy one asap. the cream of the crop pretentious bike dude is usually seen with some fancy shmancy italian frame or a full NJS setup minus the tires and rims. but really, who the hell cares? i don't prejudice against a guy on a track bike in the street, i prejudice against the too cool for school bitch that holds his nose up high like he's hot shit and above talking to anyone else outside of his little group of like-minded fucks. but damn, i'm going to drive hesh out of his own thread again with talk like this. i ride the shit out of my track bikes(s) because that's my "car", fuck the bus! nothing flows better in city traffic and that's the truth.


    anyone got a rec for nice racing tires? i'm split between schwalbe stelvios and conti gp 4000, both are nice and i could get both at the same price from the friendly cheap tire shop (shh, it's my secret). schwalbe blizzards run $17 and i like them better than conti gatorskins, i swear the rolling resistance is less even when blizzards go for half the price.

  5. short wheelbases are where it's at. i just built a road conversion back up for my work/winter bike, i feel way less in control on it than i did on the track frame but that could be the lower gear ratio, or the inferior toe straps, or the larger saddle to bar drop. meh. i'd say a combo of the three.


    i'm gonna miss rasmussen.

  6. CIMG9273.JPG





    all mine... finally got that kaisei 8630 NiCrMo i've been waiting for.


    umm, joker. feel free to resize my offensively large pictures if you want.

  7. 01020001030501040020070720fd134bcf72402be7b0009617.jpg


    i was considering this ancient artifact... fuji touring bike from the 80's. i just want something with suntour, and not that suntour sr shit but the original one, good condition and cheap.

  8. visited cambridge bicycles over the weekend and im convinced after laying eyes on the Swobo its the only way to go when speaking about track/single speed/fixed whatever the fuck you want to call it. Also the KHS Elite was looking pretty nice as well.


    umm, track bikes are a pretty broad category. you have your classic handmade steel with spoked wheels, your modern aluminum frames with discs / trispokes, and everything in between. i wouldn't generalize it so easily. as far as off-the-shelf "street" catered fixies... fuck that cookie cutter shit, build up your own setup.


    joker, watching the tour was pretty good today.

  9. Yeah, done some reading on them but never ridden one. Not trying to be trendy or something of the sort (I don't think Oakland has a "scene" :lol:) I just like the look of them and think it's something I'd like to ride. But I wont buy it if it will make me look like a douche.


    my advice is try riding one first before you drop $500 or whatever a pista is going for now. or flip it to the singlespeed freewheel side and go for whats familar.

  10. $500 isn't going to get you much as far as a new road bike, best bet would be get lucky on craigslist/the used market, but you have to have an eye for what's good and know what components are good vs. what is shit or you'll probably pay too much.


    I'm still dreaming of finding that perfect 80's japanese steel road bike with the Suntour group, $100 OBO on CL.

  11. Yo I'm thinking about getting, it's like 500ish but I bet I could get on some discount . I'm not into that track bike/fixed gear/etc mumbo jumbo, I just want to get a good bike to ride around on/look good/get to my trabajo.




    So you're not into track bikes at all but you want to buy a track bike huh?

  12. Rubbish... it's not that I dislike steel it's more that I - we - live in a wet climate so steel doesn't seem all that smart of an investment. However... if Sasha White handed me a Vanilla I would ride it till my dying days.


    This is true that Portland is a rainy city, but there is things like FrameSaver and owning a winter/rain beater that can ease the situation.


    I do envy the people with sun year round though, so much less maintenance.

  13. Joker, you and your aluminum.. haha.


    I was considering a Pista Concept but I just don't like aluminum as much as steel I've found. There's the people that will say it doesn't matter what material you ride, and I'm sure they're right when you put enough money down on a frame, but from what I've rode, steel feels best to me.


    I'm in the market for another frame... something to hold on to for life this time I think. What's worth doing is worth doing right.


    Anyone run Velocity Aerohead rims? I think I'm about to build up a set of those for a lightweight wheelset.

  14. yeah, nothings worse than seeing the brakeless rider that doesn't know how to stop and busts through the red light at the bottom of the hill / make the emergency right turn to avoid oncoming traffic.


    please please please, for everyone's sake keep a damn brake on your fixed gear until you know how to adequetely stop without one on split second reflexes.

  15. aerospokes weigh a proper shit ton.


    i rode one for the first time the other day and you're absolutely right. it's great when you're going down a hill and being pulled by the front wheel, shitty when you're going back up the same hill, and a little scary when it gets windy.


    mavic open pros, now those make for a nice wheel build.

  16. who are you kiddin? That hubs probably on its last leg from being dropped off every curb in the state of oregon. 100 degrees today. Rides have moved forward to 5 am until further notice.


    contrary to popular belief, portland is not san francisco and only begins to look like it when you guys come up here. you'd be very hard pressed to find anyone riding a disc wheel on the street here, aerospokes are few and far between and i've never seen an HED3 or trispoke in person in my entire life.


    usually when something is tubular, you can probably bet it wasn't ridden on the street, and if it was, than not for long.

  17. if thats legit id straight be on it. i hope that does not end up on a bike that isnt meant to race.


    pretty sure it's legit, it came off an njs track build that was on craigslist, guy must have decided to sell the rear disc seperately. i think it's carbon fiber as well, not positive though.


    but yeah, i'd hope it's being used on the track as well, that's probably why i'm not buying it. tubulars on the street is never a good idea, especially in our rainy city of portland (though zak the messenger has been known to ride his disc around from time to time; he's also a trackie).

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