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rubbish heap two

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Posts posted by rubbish heap two

  1. if thats legit id straight be on it. i hope that does not end up on a bike that isnt meant to race.


    pretty sure it's legit, it came off an njs track build that was on craigslist, guy must have decided to sell the rear disc seperately. i think it's carbon fiber as well, not positive though.


    but yeah, i'd hope it's being used on the track as well, that's probably why i'm not buying it. tubulars on the street is never a good idea, especially in our rainy city of portland (though zak the messenger has been known to ride his disc around from time to time; he's also a trackie).

  2. i feel the same way soup, it's all about riding adult trikes with a friend sitting in the back basket, plowing down the biggest hill in your town and going 40 with all that momentum pushing you.


    i'm in the market for a used adult trike i think. bahaha.

  3. Joker, that's my friends Kona if you're talking about the one on craigslist. Someone needs to buy it up, he's a nice guy and that's a hell of a deal he's giving for an almost new bike (bladed spokes too!).

  4. soup or whoiseuth, any idea when mash is coming to dvd?


    joker, i may have a track frame you're interested in... sounds like it'd fit your height perfecto.

  5. Am I crazy or is it the middle of June? Summer time, right? Whiskey tango foxtrot! Rode for 5.5 hours today and waas freezing the whole time. Got rained on several times and never once saw the sun. If the summer weather doesn't show itself soon I may be looking for a bridge to jump off of...


    I rode a good 7 or 8 miles around 11am, wasn't too bad... but yeah, the rain showers today were weird.

  6. I have the Arione saddle and love it. I've gone through many saddles and found the Arione to be the most comfortable... for me. The Selle San Marcos Rolls saddle is a hot favorite in the pro ranks for the "bigger" boys and I assume so because of it's wider and more cushioned surface. I've never actually ridden one before so I can't make judgement on them. However... saddles are a very personal thing and probably the most important piece of equipment you put on your bike. So choose wisely. I like the Fizik Arione because I can get more positions on the long shape of the saddle and when adjusting the saddle fore and aft I have more room than most saddles allow due to the longer rails. But I'm racing so my needs are different from what you'll need.


    Either one is gonna cost you unless you go the eBay / Craigslist route...


    I actually just saw a Rolls on another bike today for the first time, it pretty much looked like a carbon copy of my Turbo except slightly more classy, and slightly less padding. Could have been less broken in though... either way, in the interest of not buying the same saddle again (I like the Turbo fine though it gets uncomfortable on 15+ mile rides, but hey, I'm riding track geometry), I think I'm gonna go for the Fizik when the money becomes available and my saddle is trashed enough. There's just some weird part of me that think they look a little funny on lugged steel frames, because I guess my brain associates Turbos / Rolls / Brooks / 80's or earlier saddles with lugged steel, and aero saddles like the Fizik and Selle Italia SLR's with aluminum / techy carbon frames.


    Either way I'm HEATED... http://s130.photobucket.com/albums/p254/keirinculture/makinowhitemay1/ the exact frame I want, in the exact tubing / exact measurements.... $875. If it was just $200 less I'd be on that so quick, just sell my other bike on CL first. Makino-san makes a hell of a track frame, and Kaisei makes some niiiiiiiice tubing.

  7. building up your own is more fun.


    i had my eyes on replacing my current selle italia turbo with either this:



    or this:



    heavy, aesthetically pleasing classic vs. aero, lightweight modern.

  8. eh, never mind. i'm stupid and 170 suits me fine. the internet turns me into some kind of "grass is greener on the other side" idealist, whereas actually riding my bike makes me not give a fuck really, besides things like stretched chains and out-of-true rims.


    i would like me some sweet kaisei tubed track frame though, those japanese know how to make nice steel.


    for hesh's sake, if i had the money i'd go out and buy a nice road bike too, and ride it from the city to the beach and back.

  9. if anyone wants to trade cranks and wants 170mm in exchange for 165, get at me. i'm looking for something built for a campy taper BB since that's what i'm running with (so basically, campy or sugino cranks). soup???

  10. tight geometry wins the prize every time.


    i'm surprised no one gave that moyer shit for running sugino 75's, you guys were giving me so much of that months ago when i brought up the topic.

  11. yeah, it's muggy as shit in portland right now. even casual rides are leaving me sweating buckets through my white t shirt :)


    joker, what was the setup you were going to get for a track bike?

  12. eat 3:1 or 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein 5-120 minutes after a workout. it'll help you build muscle / recover faster. yogurt is perfecto. if you're a perfectionist, i think 30 minutes after a workout is the most optimal time for the post-exercise meal.

  13. 48/16 is pretty standard. I never had issues with it.



    I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it on the track, hell I run 49x16 on the track and street as well and love it but as far as brakeless track bike riding on the street, 48x16 yields 1 skid patch and is a horrible ratio for the life of your back tire. That's all.


    Thanks swedish.


    Yeah i just showed up to the track with my street setup and nothing else. Ive tried to limit wear on my tires by pseudo-coasting more than anything and only skidding if i really need to. My gatorskins have lasted a couple months now and i dont want to spend the time/money to run a brake on my concept. Having to slow without a brake and speedup fast is something i want to work on too.


    Also, I met Austin from Trackstar with that bright ass orange Brooklyn Machine Works track bike a page back or so. He let me ride it and the thing was pretty damn stiff. He took second in the messenger competitions to a Portlander named Zack with a half mohawk going. Great guy, very fast and definitely knew what he was doing on the track. Talk to him if you see him out at alpenrose this summer, Id like to know what hes doing to train from CMWC since he won free tickets to it.


    Oh yeah, Zack huh? Has a Gan Well Pro and a messenger bag that says "Fixie King" on it right? I see him all the time, he's definitely good at track from what I've heard. Was he running his disk wheel? That's cool that a guy from PDX got first in the messenger track race.


    http://bikeportland.org/2007/05/29/portlanders-grab-two-titles-at-messenger-championships/ ahh here we go. Looks like PDX won in bike polo as well. That shits an institution here too.

  14. soup, 48/16 huh? do you run a brakeless setup or just skid out a tire every week?


    spinning out 30mph on 49/16 on one of portland's biggest (think SF scale) hills is lots of fun. my knee is hurting though.

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