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rubbish heap two

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Posts posted by rubbish heap two

  1. I see this crap all the time. Cracks me up. And it's usually some dickwad with a really nice bike and a ReLoad bag with all the trimmings and, of course, his creative artwork all over the fucking bag.


    Another rookie giveaway with skid stopping is when they're all up on the front of the bars with their dick practically resting on the stem. Show and prove... skid stop while sitting.


    You got your track stand down yet ?


    yeah, not only does it take a bit more practice to skid while in the saddle or just a few inches out of it, it's a lot more safe and stops you faster then the thigh to bar style of stopping.







    riding down hills gets ridiculously fun if you pull up on the toe clips exclusively in your pedal stroke.. granted, it's not very realistic in traffic with no breaks, or when there's looming stop lights. but on empty hills... so fun.

  2. anyone know what kind of tubing the pake and mercier above are? i was looking to replace the road frame on my fixie with a track frame, something in that price range.


    but i dunno. maybe im picky.

  3. hahaha... yeah what is it with mexicans and bmx bikes? kinda like black people with department store mountain bikes / steezed out low riders, or white guys with their fancy shmancy road bikes and spandex.

  4. anybody whos new to anything will stick out of the crowd,

    and riding fixed will also tend to weed out

    the ones who didnt know what theywere getting into.


    its definitely something you have to get used to,

    and the geometry is nothing as comfortable as a beach cruiser or a bmx bike.

    so thats a big turn off as well.

    after all that has been considered,

    its safe to say that the newbie is going to stick with it.


    Ehhh... Beach cruisers and BMX bikes are more comfortable when you ride in circles around your block, but I don't think either is that comfortable when you're hauling ass downtown ... I don't know, maybe it's just me but I think standard road bike / track bike geometry is the most comfortable of them all.

  5. and soup, if you stacking that money like that at that rate, do it all winter and get a real nice custom road bike. fuck all that fashion fixed gear. trust me its way more satisfying to have some middle aged dude who makes over 200 G's a year sweating your shit that some poor faggot art student.


    i'll put a hipster over a yuppie any day... sorry hesh, starbucks just doesn't do it for me, neither does being "corporate with an edge".

  6. Get whatever parts you want. I know I'm about to drop a third my bike cost on some Ti eggbeaters. Black and gold son. Black and gold. Where's those damn gold nitto bullhorns? haha.


    It seems everyone on a fixed gear has their seat jacked up as high as the post will go. Is that the look? Do people buy track frames smaller than road bike frames on purpose?


    easier on the knees, more control over the pedal stroke... i had to put my seat down a bit though, it used to be raised really high but that's no longer an option with a brooks seat in the process of being broken in.


    p.s. seeks, you know 360 skids would be fun... rainy day 180 skids are fun enough, as are side skids around corners... i love this wet weather when the cements nice and wet but it's not raining, but man, fuck these wet leaves. come sweep my streets clean already.

  7. I am looking at buy a new fixed gear. possibly a old raleigh 10 speed and converting it, how much do you think it reaonably cost for a daily commuter?


    P.S. Any tips on riding single speed? fixed or freewheel?


    I ride a Raleigh fixed gear, lady I bought it from built it up with that frame. It's a solid bike and I haven't had to put any money into it that was out of necessity (repairs, broken parts), paid 250 for it. I donno if that helps you or not... but word of the wise, either the bottom bracket is a bit low for how the frame geometry is, or the crank arms are a bit long, because pedal strike is definitely a threat on really sharp turns (so I've modified the way I approach / execute turns).


    Fixed gear is more enjoyable then freewheel single speed in my opinion. To be honest I don't really like single speed freewheels, I'd rather have it be a have-everything-on-it road bike or a stripped-to-the-essentials fixed gear. The nice thing about fixed gears over road bikes is the momentum your pedals generate makes getting up hills a little easier versus just freewheel singlespeed too, but then again on a single speed going down hills is easier (unless you run a fixie with a pretty high gear ratio).

  8. MSM is as good as if not better then Glocousamine. Yes, your pain will return when you stop taking it. No, this doesn't mean the problem is "masked". MSM, much like vitamin C, is deficient in the world's diet for some reason that it's not naturally found in plants as it once was I guess. Well one of the things you notice when you take MSM is no more muscle cramps, no joint pains, no aches in general. Your body uses it to convert it into glocousamine and other things.

  9. Once you go track you never go back up hills, and down them.


    What the policy on wanting someone's bike you find on velospace? Can you build up one just like it? If the original's just in the next town? Is that just wrong?


    Edit: also, clipless pedals on a fixie seems like overkill, and toe clips feel retarded to get in and out of... any objections to glueing a pair of vans slipons to the pedals?


    haven't had any problem going up steep hills at all... going down them is one big long skid stop that my tires love me for, so you got a point there...


    the messengers around here are keen to rock clipless pedals, all the more power to them. clips are pretty easy to get into once you get used to it, it's just getting used to it is what feels retarded.


    but then again maybe your whole post is just a big sarcastic pitch meant to lure me in with nonsarcastic answers that sound dumb...

  10. if any of u guys are the street bikers i got 1 message. get the fuck out of the road ur pissing me off


    nah, we're all mountain bikers here, no street bikers.


    just kidding. fuck you and learn to drive. until then stop bitching and whining because you're going to be 30 seconds late for whereverthefuckyourgoing.

  11. ^ ^ ^ is yours the one with the orange deep v / orange fork above, or the black one next to it?


    very nice looking track bikes on this page...

    i think i'm in love with the all white one 2 posts above, sweet jesus.

    too bad next to zero clearance between frame and wheel isn't very practical for winter riding, especially with the monsoon in portland lately. though it looks so damn clean...


    in the spirit of posting random gems from velo...


    wow. with the black brooks :)



    keirin racers

  12. I'm back.


    I've been experimenting with Grog, Mr Black and Rasco. They're all pretty good ink right out of the bottle, but Grog is best for capillary markers. I usually add Black Top to Grog...


    Anyone from the "old days" still here? Rubbish? Itchy?


    Be seeing you.


    yeah i'm still around but i generally just post in channel zero now. i still get up, usually it's like with sakura streaks, krylon, possibly some pilot ink + methyl red or methylene blue or gentian violet... still got some potassium permanganate too. haven't fooled with the crazy recipes in a long time. honestly as far as markers go i'll just take a red sakura, maybe a juiced up pilot.

  13. anyone else find skid stops in the rain surprisingly more easy, fun and efficient? i don't even have to get up from the seat and it seems like i stop in half the time.

  14. On a completely unrelated note, My Dad did some roadbiking in his time, and he has a couple of wild stories, as with everything hes ever done


    One of the craziest stories he told me was about a ride he did with a couple of friends and an ex tour rider up Mt. Diablo, and it basically was that they ride all the way to the top of Mt Diablo from the bottom, take a break at the top, and then before going back down the hill, the ex tour rider unhooks his brake and heads straight down the hill....


    The guys still alive....i think



    but yeah, i figured ted shred was the only guy doing brakeless SS. we tried this done a hill one night, it's actually surprisingly effective to just use your shoe on the back wheel to break... and surprisingly retarded when your shoes wear down in one tenth the time.


    but maybe you could say the same about the rear tire of a brakeless fixed gear.

  15. Question about the tall bikes: what do you do at a stop light? I mean, they can't all be fixed gear and easy to track stand. And you can't put your foot on the ground.


    Atleast with the penny farther you could trackstand the thing like cake, considering they're about as direct drive as it gets...

  16. fixies ARE dangerous in that if you ride hard you're bound to fuck your knees up. i've met a bunch of people who've ridden for years with no issues, but i know enough that have fucked their knees up really bad. those who haven't, i'm convinced they'll get their's soon enough


    and regarding frame size: i'm always pissed that the frames on ebay are so fucking huge (i ride a 54/55...) and those are hard to come by. ha


    Do the people that fuck their knees up just rock a lower seat? I decided to give it a try and take my seat down a few inches one day, and man were my knees in pain for ther rest of that day... then I put it back to the default super high pseudobuttrape position and my knees do fine. I'm not about to forcefully slow my pedalling if theres' a sudden red light at the bottom of a hill though, I'll just skid it...


    Or maybe it's because I take MSM (which basically your body turns into gloucosamine inside your body, as well as a million other things because your body needs it like a vitamin) and that's why my knees don't hurt. Oh well. Fixies are fun and now when I try to ride a freewheel it just feels strange and I hate the fact that your control is based on how you use your brakes on a freewheel, as opposed to how you pedal with a fixie.

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