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russell jones

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Everything posted by russell jones

  1. This website has clear and concise arguments refuting the most commonly AGW skeptic arguments: http://www.skepticalscience.com/
  2. Is there a technical term that means "throwing the baby out with the bath water?"
  3. Diamond is a professor of physiology and geography, a scientist in other words.
  4. I would give some of the people on this board more credit than that. Many people are well versed through reading books. You don't need a formal education, although it can help. BTW, You don't have to convince me of the value of education, since this post is coming from someone with a Master's Degree. :)
  5. Diamond is amazing. I read Guns, Germs and Steel and am looking forward to this one. No other author that I know of takes on such mammoth multi-disciplinary projects and succeeds like Diamond.
  6. I don't take his word for it. He has shown me that he has studied. Many economists agree with him. And some of them even have phD's! Nobel Prizes! Entire schools of study! I don't agree, but arguing about who's smarter than who will get you exactly nowhere. The Austrian school may not have the same kind of rational support that other schools have, but it has many educated and knowledgeable followers.
  7. To say that AOD doesn't know a lot about economics is a falsehood Soup. He is definitely well versed in economic theory. These accusations are not helping. I disagree with AOD, but I would never accuse him of being ignorant of economic theory.
  8. True... but the consensus that anthropogenic global warming exists is true as well. In other words, the dissenters are thought to have a far weaker case by the scientific community in general. The evidence keeps piling up and leading to similar conclusions. The case for anthropogenic global warming has become stronger and stronger over the years, not weaker.
  9. People in countries with socialized medicine/insurance pay for less for their healthcare (including taxes) than people in America. So it would be very selfish indeed to want have healthcare for all.
  10. Weather and climate are two different things. The earth is warming, there is no doubt about that, even among those who don't believe humans are the cause. It's also possible that Global Warming could cause more "extreme" weather.
  11. More fuel for the fire: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/306/5702/1686
  12. It proves that they made a possible error. It doesn't disprove the mountains of other evidence from multiple fields of study. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=is-global-warming-a-myth
  13. I think the Nobel Prize was intended as a kick in the ass. They were trying to say, "Now's the time to make due on your potential." It seems to have had no effect unfortunately.
  14. That's because they do not think he is leftist enough. They may be correct.
  15. "After this week’s congressional hearing into the bailout of American International Group Inc., you have to wonder if those folks are crazy after all. " Hardly a ringing endorsement.
  16. It's easy to be right in your predictions when your predictions never change.
  17. If I were to account for these discrepancies between rural and urban voters in Pennsylvania, I would say that urban residents are richer, younger, and better educated than rural Americans. Evidence here: http://www.rural.palegislature.us/about.html
  18. I don't have to read this several times to know that the conclusion is a long way from being proved by the evidence provided here. All that I can see here is that Obama won in urban areas and McCain won in rural areas. Concluding more than that based on this evidence is a stretch.
  19. I wonder if many more human traffickers fall through the cracks rather than get punished considering the harshness of the sentences.
  20. cool, we agree then. It makes me laugh that most people's exposure to the Minimalist/Modernist aesthetic is Ikea.
  21. Person of the Year does not mean best person. It means most important, look up the list, it includes Hitler, Stalin and Khomheini.
  22. Sorry, my first Minimalism should be capital "M." Now I'm confused about your first statement. Why is most Minimalism just Modernism?
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