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russell jones

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Everything posted by russell jones

  1. I didn't say I was on Ahmadinejad's side, I just doubted whether actual terrorist acts could be attributed to them. Whether Hezbollah can be considered a "terrorist" organization is debatable, considering they are now in charge of the Palestinian government. I have no doubt whatsoever that the Hezbollah organization has been responsible for violent acts in the past (and in the present as well), there is ample evidence. But what definitely constitutes terrorism and just the acts of a government against another is hard to define. Shiite militias would be hard to define as strictly terrorist as well since they are organized militias and they are operating in an occupied country. I do not doubt that they are responsible for many violent acts as well. But if you are going to call all of them "terrorists," like the Bush administration is fond of doing, you stretch the definition beyond all meaning.
  2. yeah casek, you may be misguided sometimes, but you're on the right track some of the time. Just keep doing your thing baby! I didn't mean that to sound patronizing, but I am old, so give me so latitude. I proved that I'm old by the picture I posted that no one recognized. Ahh all that has been done, will be done again... except stupider. And I mean stupider!
  3. Ahmadinejad wanted to place a wreath at the 911 site, but was denied by the police for "safety reasons." A few politicians used his request as an excuse to accuse Iran of being responsible for "state sponsored terrorism." They also said it would turn 911 into a "photo-op" for the Iranian president, as if they wouldn't do the same thing. Has anyone actually found evidence that Iran has a government program that supports terrorism in the last decade or so? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070920/ap_on_re_us/ahmadinejad_ground_zero&printer=1;_ylt=AgFXwEOOk7X7_ih6aiz_b3xH2ocA
  4. I have some Mormons living in my building. This is what they look like. Why? They should get some advice from the Nation of Islam, those bow ties are somewhat dope.
  5. I stand by my statement. These things happen, these things will always happen. It doesn't make it any less fucked up, it doesn't make it any more wrong, but as far as the everyday lives of you and me, it's irrelevant. What can any of us do to stop this from happening? Nothing. Just like serial killers, random white girls kidnapped but probably killed by there parents, convenience store robberies, all of it is just fetish violence to feed people's supposed indignation so that they can feel ok about their own morbid fascination with violence and pedophilia. If this guy had somehow had been using his government position to start a ring of child sex slaves that was being systematically covered up by the government, then it would be important, but the fact that this guy was doing this on his own means nothing, he could have been anybody. I think it is disrespectful to the victims of these crimes to keep propagating these stories. This should be a private matter between the victims, the criminal justice system and this random sicko. Put him in jail for the rest of his life for all I care, but by talking about these stories and clicking on the links to them you are only disrespecting the victims of these types of crimes. The point of these stories is to get people advertising money, plain and simple. There is no policy or law or governmental intervention that could have stopped this guy other than what has been already employed, so us talking about it just focuses our attention on things that we can do nothing about, draining valuable time from things that are important, like what are leaders are doing on a massive scale with the full weight and support of various branches of government, military and law enforcement. And specifically to Casek, the people that are the selfish fucks are the news media that are making money from this sort of case. If you think it has anything to do with getting other victims to surface then you are sadly mistaken. It's all about money and feeding you sex and violence so you can entertain yourself with the freak show.
  6. If you can't see your original post as being the conspiracy anti-semitic bullshit that it is, that's not my problem. I just say prove it, or talk about some actual shit, not pie in the sky "the Jews are sacrificing our children" inquisition stories. Know your history, know that these stories are as old as dirt, and learn to separate crap from reliable facts. We live in a world with actual problems.
  7. dumbest thread in all of crossfire... yeah even dumber than "undisputed proof" 911 bullshit thread.
  8. If there was a God all drugs would be good for you, there would be sweet pussy for everyone and I could shoot all of you in the head with no repercussions. Put that up your religion's ass and fart it out onto a piece of paper and start a new religion. I'm starting it now, God is for peace, fucking and LSD!!!
  9. mercenaries... that's the good life man. Kill, make money and be killed. Pretty simple huh?
  10. I'm more worried about the child rape and killing on a grand scale that is the result of government policy rather than some random guy with a mental problem. This kind of story is beyond irrelevant, it's fodder to keep you asleep so you spend less time on the important shit.
  11. just tell us what's in the video, don't just post the link otherwise I will ignore it!
  12. Public schools are all about the teachers. If they are in to it, using their own independent thoughts and don't talk to the students like they are idiots, then school can be great. I've had a couple teachers like that, one told me he was far to the right of Ronald Reagan, had seen the Grateful Dead in every country except England, that the first gulf war was about money for the defense companies, and that everyone in the room would be offended by at least one thing he said, and that he didn't care. I had another teacher whose moonlighted as pushing liquor at a gay bar, and spent part of the class explaining how gay football was. In between that stuff they taught us Euro history and English, but they taught me that thinking for yourself and making your own decisions is essential. I guess that's why I didn't last too long as a substitute teacher, I was arm wrestling with the students instead of getting them to quiet down. Rant over.
  13. ˆ co-sign on the Americans.
  14. I'll have a shark butt with butt sauce!!!
  15. The clay thing was a joke. We are not similar to clay at all because clay is generally inorganic. Clay is a rock with water. The first thing was not a joke. I have not read anything written by the Creator of Everything.
  16. Yes, that is a real question. Indulge me.
  17. I think you're right MAR, I have talked to some Palestinians who have had good experiences in Israel. On the other hand, I have talked to other Palestinians who have had constant abuse. The abused ones live traditionally, wearing burkas and such, while the ones who have good experiences do not stick out among other Israelis, or Americans for that matter. I think Israel is more of a religious state than many know, and I hear Ethiopian and Palestinian Jews experience prejudice at the hands of Ashkenazi Jews.
  18. Been getting more into Zen lately? The statement about the sun rising is profound. It is an effective bulwark against certainty, and a good illustration of the limits of science. The only fundamental answer I have found in my life is now. The wholeness of the now and the completeness of the now is more profound than any explanation of origins. I wish I could be wise and a cat at the same time, so I could appreciate my catness. Every time I get close to now, I can experience it for a limited amount of time, only for it to slip away because of my idiotic smart ass of a brain. But I need it, to understand when it happens and how great it truly is. No analysis here, just long pauses.
  19. Why not pump gaseous LSD through the ventilation system? It would be more fun and less dangerous than second hand smoke.
  20. ˆnot even a little bit funny.
  21. The country of Ireland's reason for existence is Catholicism, just as Israel's reason for existence is Judaism.
  22. I know Darwin's writings but I haven't read anything Creator of Everything has written. Do you know where I can find some of his/her publications?
  23. Did you know that we are 98% genetically similar to clay? That's a fact.
  24. Why wouldn't you recognize Israel as a real state?
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