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russell jones

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Everything posted by russell jones

  1. Clowns usually have more to say than the serious. Compare Jon Stewart to any "serious" news host. Who has more to say? At least clowns know they're funny.
  2. To keep this on topic, smog and greenhouse gases are not necessarily related. In the US, new cars run so much cleaner than the past that in some cities the exhaust coming out of a Honda is cleaner than the air going in. That said, the Honda is still creating greenhouse gases, which warm the planet, even if it is not polluting the atmosphere in the immediate area. It is very important to differentiate smog pollutants from greenhouse gases. Some climate scientists have actually been able to show that the reduction of smog due to effect of catalytic converters has increased the effects of global warming because the clearer air has let more sunlight in than the previously smoggy air. Important lesson: Smog does not equal greenhouse gases. Important lesson 2: Smog is easy to fix, global warming is hard to fix
  3. I buying up Alaskan coast land. It's gonna be a top Spring Break destination in 2040. I'm rollin' with it. I'll retire on Mars dickheads!
  4. can I make my nuts bigger by thinking about it? I wouldn't mind some big gorilla balls to fill out the trousers.
  5. I really want to get inside your head man, poke around a little. Was your mom found of mixing DMT with inhalants?
  6. America used to be a Poopublic, now it's a Shitocracy.
  7. I think you missed my point. Just because something works doesn't mean it's right. Appealing to an authority I neither believe in or care anything about is not going to help your argument either. Perhaps the statement "violence breeds more violence," is an apt description of the situation here. If the woman who is threatening the artist comes from a culture where brutally violent punishments are acceptable for petty crimes and weaknesses of character, then it makes sense that she would turn to violence to solve her "image" problem, even if the punishment doesn't match the crime.
  8. The ends don't justify the means. Horribly disfiguring someone for stealing some stuff is just retarded. Stuff is not more important than a body part, I don't care what kind of stuff it is. No loving god would order such a punishment. You know how I could prevent all crime? Kill everyone! That would solve it. By the way, did you know there aren't any gay people in Iran? I did not know that.
  9. I'm Italian. Does that mean I can get reparations? Ahhh... I'd probably just blow all the money on gold crucifixes, an IROC Camaro, some meatballs and a matching velor sweat suit.
  10. Thanks man, I almost missed it... the one on the left has the outline of a great pooper through the dress.
  11. This has never happened to me or anyone in my building. So I think it is unlikely. The power of positive thinking is a beautiful thing. I feel if I love first and hate second, little harm will come to me. Call me retarded, but at least I feel good about what I am doing. Violence is something that one often feels like they should do. It's not rational. Once I started feeling like violence wasn't the answer, none has ever come to me. And it's not like I live in an insulated world, people I know get involved in violence, but I don't. Also, violence as a retaliation for stealing an object, is certainly wrong. It's like saying, "I want to stop teen pregnancy so I'm going to cut of the clitoris of every teenage girl to stop it." Oh wait somebody already thought of that. I'm not stupid, if someone personally attacked my family, I would do what I need to do, but personally, I don't prepare for it, because it's love first and hate second for me. Trust before distrust for me. It's working so far...
  12. Have you posted this somewhere? Duality or lack thereof intrigues me because of the influence of languages on the understanding of binary relationships. Supposedly, the ability to hold contradictory ideas in one's consciousness is aid by the structure of certain languages, especially in their use of pronouns in personal interactions. For instance, Japanese pronouns can only function in relationships to others rather than in isolation, like our "he," "she," "I." Defining ourselves in this way seems to encourage an assignment of being or not being. He is a he or not a he. My wife is learning Chinese, and she has learned that the word "yes" does not exist per say, but only in the context of the negative. Assignments are made with relationships between at least two but perhaps many objects that do not necessarily fall into a yes/no pattern. So the words are there, the concepts are not necessarily more or less ineffable, but from a Western language perspective, the words may be difficult to come by.
  13. Didn't you ever hear sticks and stones? Images do not cause physical harm. Although I tend to agree with everyone that the guy is an attention whore, and what he says is not new, I think it needs to be said, over and over again. Things like this have to be said over and over again lest they be forgotten. For instance, most Americans don't know anything about blackface, minstrel shows and other humiliating things that Black entertainers had to do to get work in early Hollywood. And because its been forgotten, there is no context for today. People don't understand why someone would be offended by certain rap videos and characters in films because they have no signpost to compare it to. What do images mean? Why is there violence in this world? Why does somebody want to kill another person? Why do wars start? I think images like this show that we need to come up with different solutions to our problems than violence. What does violence accomplish? Nothing but suffering. A picture might have offended people, but one has never been directly responsible for someone's death. Guns and bombs kill people everyday and for what? Things that are barely more harmful than this picture. Oil... Money... Honor... Are any of these things worth a life? There is nothing more precious than a human life. People who take one rarely have better reasons than the religious fanatics complaining about the picture of their religious leader. Violence is evil, period. Some people will never get that, but that doesn't mean we should stop trying.
  14. The point was to piss people off and get them to react in irrational ways. Thereby proving the irrationality of many religious people. Not that it needed proving... It's like performance art, except the performer is not the artist, but the viewer. His subject in the actual work was just a tool, to provoke and offend certainly, but also to get people to realize the power and conversely, the powerlessness of images. His work was intended to illicit death threats, which proves how much religion can cloud people's minds and make them forget what is important. Is this cartoon made by some guy in rural Sweden really have any power whatsoever? Do the people who are offended think that it has somehow reduced the power of their religion? Why not react with images in retaliation rather than violence?
  15. Vote here to eliminate all Ann Coulter threads and have them automatically deleted. You guys are just part of her viral marketing plan. She profits whether you love her or hate her.
  16. I love those damn Scandinavians, they know how to party! Guy draws cartoon of Mohamed with the body of a dog. Man now has a price on his head, for drawing a picture. Awesome. http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/europe/10/16/artist.controversy/index.html#cnnSTCVideo
  17. Re: Russian Probe Finds God? I can't believe I clicked on this... sleep deprivation has retarded my intellect.
  18. We'll probably just grow old and die. Danger will be eliminated, mistakes will be glazed over, revolution and violence will be a thing of the past, and we'll all die of boredom.
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