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Everything posted by HardyHarHar

  1. Also, try to make your R look more like this:
  2. Why do you ask for advice and then turn around and say, "No it's not!" Quit whining. It's funny, Regs out of Boston uses straight letters too. I don't really care one way or the other, but your excuse is lame, to say there aren't enough 3-7 letter words. Gimme a break. Good writers tend to be smart and creative. You are a nagging biter. lookit these names espo ader revs sace earsnot why not write Urge instead. It sounds more your style, and you get to keep the R, the E, and the G.
  3. This is the ugliest crap I've ever seen on 12oz. I'm glad I don't see tags this ugly outside of 12oz too.
  4. spraypaint- $5 markers- $6 stretched canvas- $4.99 posting more generic graffiti art on 12oz- worthless
  5. I don't like this. The colors aren't very interesting, and it looks too easy. If you're going to bite Piet Mondrian, do it right.
  6. If you like Underground PM me. This movie is good too:
  7. I google-image-searched Underground because it's a great movie. The soundtrack is to die for.
  8. Yes. I saw this movie two years from now.
  9. nice stuff but why not make the arms and torso extend all the way to the edge of the canvas. It looks a little spacey with them just hanging there.
  10. this is also a good book. romance, affairs, psychology.
  11. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency what's that book about?
  12. Woah, I thought this was "Show Me Your Boobs" something has gone horribly wrong...
  13. weak, derivative, boring. Ader change your name stupid. That one poet reads "porn."
  14. what a bunch of crap. Is this where toys go to post their tags for some e-fame? be honest.
  15. Question: Is there any way to zoom in on quicktime videos that you view on a webpage, not downloaded?
  16. The lobster's intestine is located in the tail. If you don't pull it out, you're eating grade-A/B whatever lobster shits. Same is true of shrimp. Also, caviar is fish eggs, so when you ingest, you're basically sucking carp twat.
  17. Sorry, we don't have any oil fields to pay your bills. Our country is in debt. But, if you want to get a tax break or something just become ultra-rich first. Then GDubya will take care of you.
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