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Everything posted by theyungin

  1. this is what i do, its so simple, and if ppl see you doing it, they are just gonna be confused...
  2. you could tell the difference between the 2 writers GKAE had a simple thought "its fun, i like to destroy shit" where as SKEPT had ideals, and a purpose to his writing...also, that GKAE bandanna glasses look is ghetto as hell
  3. i like the Can2 bite...................no really, i do :haha:
  4. love the dudes style - the perfect balance of style and readability, all of it is sick, but so readable at the same time
  5. yea....throw out your stock tips
  6. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6085398445469042664&q=diet+graffiti&hl=en diet video
  7. i like those big flicks -- thats the perfect size...you can see who it is and see how clean it is nice looks with that felon hollow too isto kaput shitty silver some nice ones in there
  8. idunno, i think thats sort of a creative idea --- i mean cmon how many of yall have heard of something like this before??? i think its sort of cool and they teach graffiti at my high school lol - i was as suprised as anyone, i took this easy ass class as an elective called "art appreciation" and there was a part where we discussed art through other mediums and we talked about graffiti for about a week pretty weird
  9. i havent checked this thread out, but im i just use mean streaks
  10. there are no manufactures you dumbasses, god has a bag full of caps, and theres a staircase to heaven for fats and hell for thins, and elves make weekly trips, come back, where they sell them to gnomes...then the gnomes sell them to companies....
  11. go with jerker....that way if you get caught and arrested the cops will make masturbation jokes on the way back to the station..... jp lol, on the real tho, dont go with kemik cause of KEM5....i like morf the best
  12. dude, can you not think of an original name??? you went from SICK to RED
  13. actually the backwards swastica represents the Maniac Latin Disciple Gang, prominent in New York and Chicago and Atlanta
  14. this is something i said for the record lol my friend wanted to join our crew, and his name was bob, and i was like "so what do you write?" and he was like "ummmmmmmm...................im gonna go with LLCoolBob" and i just started laughin my ass off (he ended up going with SELF for the record)
  15. im sticking with LLcoolBob
  16. that really wouldnt qualify as a simple lol, but it looks hot...i really feel your X's i like the way you have so many different styles 4 em...i really like the way ur style is going
  17. write LLcoolBob....nobody writes LLcoolBob
  18. thats not an H, thats an A i think :confused:
  19. thats not the question you should be asking...you should be asking "is there anyone GOOD who writes ENDER??"
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