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Everything posted by desism_ktc

  1. sicr coming strong as usual...
  2. Compared to the toys of today, who start writing at an older age so they should be able to reason better the idea of Time, Space and Relativity, and have TONS and TONS of reference material available to research, yet they still remain deaf, dumb and blind, make retarded comments on public forums, and think they are kings while they continue to put up their slop in the streets, legal and illegal... SOME WORDS OF WISDOM FROM MY COMPADRES IN THE NY OLD SCHOOL THREAD..JUST THOUGHT I WOULD SHARE...
  3. saw this on a moniker thread..
  4. the "mental" fucking that chick got from bem and kolen laid her asssssss out... lol...
  5. jickety jick, nice flows...
  6. nah if this is directed at me, that isn't what I was saying. Graff always is evolving. Started in the streets and trains, evolved into buses, walls, canvasses, even into everyday adverstising you see daily on the tube. The question is always going to be there as far as what is graf to be considered. When I was doing streets, that was graf, subways was graf and even to this day fr8's are graf. Canvas painters consider thier form graf as do people that put up stickers, moniker streaks etc. The beauty of this mistress called graffiti is that it has and always will evolve with the times-whether considered an art form or vandalism or whatever. I have kept myself in this world for over 22 years and am amazed at how much things have changed and remained the same all at the same time.
  7. cardboard? I thought people's throwups on snow was out there..but cardboard?? :huh:
  8. MWCX - Midwest Railcar Corporation I love odd reporting marks, my new hobby..LOL I know I'll get a life one day...
  9. MWCX - Midwest Railcar Corporation I love odd reporting marks, my new hobby..LOL I know I'll get a life one day...
  10. a little thang I saw rolling thru...
  11. was wondering the same, but its good to see someone posting lol...
  12. I looked at that wall close up hoping to get a whole connected shot but like everything on that wall, it didn't last..some reason I was thinking that would have lasted a bit longer than the normal but what the fuck do I know ... Anyway the wall came out nice, I like the fact that at least they tried and it came out decent..props again..
  13. good looking anyway..props for the production.. have some heads coming down from up north maybe we can plan the next one..
  14. more flix of that wall..lets see the whole she-bang..it looks good..
  15. LIKE THOSE BURNER KINGS...LOL.. I love the idea.. nice..
  16. yo is that a RAMO burner behind the trees, yo man thats your baddest burner... sicr crook dose jerx
  17. props on that wall, nice dr doom .. a+
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