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Everything posted by desism_ktc

  1. and if his location has any truth to it, he is obviously in the graffiti mecca of Illinois lol... so he would know lol...
  2. THAT IS A TRUE OLD SCHOOL OPINION, I agree. Not that they don't deserve thier props, but in a way its like comparing Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig, both Murderers Row... both emulated and hard to duplicate..
  3. who's better..seen or duster? opinion... :huh: <stirring it up>:huh:
  4. ^^ ditto looks good again..
  5. im old and double posted so what so what i double posted, holy shit i double posted.. i forgot my meds :)
  6. I miss dust..anyone remember Crazy Eddies from back in the day lol?? zootie Bang
  7. irish handcuffs :lol: :lol: Cap is next to Cope. No that isn't Duster next to Seen. other than that most of them are still in the game so no I can not confirm nor deny the identities. :disguised:
  8. I heard that KTC\MPC traded some rookies and future picks for the rights to MadMoneyMise and signed him to a long term deal.. Sick 156 is his boy...
  9. for you ktc mpc heads, here is another brothers work..not in nc but wanted to share the heat on this...
  10. Is that who I think it is???
  11. same N 25+ years ago so either way... drop it it's pathetic to compare...
  12. some of those jick's look familiar..sorry i missed ya bro, maybe next time...
  13. what did kolun supposedly bite?
  14. Please enlighten us with what he did, maybe that will clear up the confusion.:confused:
  15. Learn your history, style wars although a great documentary, was not 100% accurate in some cases. The wall that supposedly Cap went over was dogged way before he got to it, if you pause the screen you can even see part of a Seen S that the Cap went over.Anyway back to your regularly scheduled graff goodness....
  16. i worked with Cap too, I guess I am bad too then...lol
  18. I saw one recently in the Bronx, he did his wild style with his train characters.. But here is a flick of a recent one done.
  19. I guess Seen does a Dust every now and then among the other names. I seen a recent Duster and that boy still can rock it with the best of them.. PDF shit you should share that 93Til ... :)
  20. so I question why people that hate writer "X" love to drop by the writers thread to spread thier hate.. i just don't understand this internet graff scene... but then again I don't have to i guess...
  21. :eek: Whoa that would be cool ... a graff playset. made by Ronco or K-TEL...:eek:
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