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Everything posted by desism_ktc

  1. bump jick shone and trap for stopping by.. was good meeting yall.. pics to follow tonight..
  2. ya know its just better to let him fade away. after all he has cities to burn bla bla bla.. let's see how much damage he can do ..if and when I start seeing some stuff, I'll just call my connections on the rails up north, out west and down south to erase him from history.. done deal.. fuck around lay around
  3. dude I did cleans years ago, before it was considered the "thing to do".. been there done that. maybe you saw the first cleans in a movie called style wars, that is how late you are to the game kid.. and I did it when shit ran, not just the lame night time flicks and then off to the buff... funny you talk about traveling and doing your thing but before you popped your head out of the gopher hole, no one heard of ya. Honestly, I still don't know or care what you write. Looking at this edited bubble shit you posted: not even a solid fill?? hmmm man I would'nt be boasting about doing a throwie on a clean unless you can do it write like this [ATTACH]66550[/ATTACH] so to end this wack discussion and get back to the lesson at hand, I'll end it with my boys from back home modified to suit this : "I'm takin' all graf heads's out of the place Takin' life as it comes no fool am I I'm goin' off gettin' paid and I don't ask why Paintin' style on the boxcars, makin' money for the many Know alota funky girls who like to do their thing A lot of parents like to think I'm a villain I'm just chillin' like Bob Dylan I smoke cheeba it helps me with my brain I might be a little dusted but I'm not insane People come up to me and they try to talk shit man I've been painting "good graff" since you were sucking on your mother's limp dick" Please do what you want with your gems. I hear if you put a piece of coal under a lot of pressure it can become a diamond. Maybe stick one of the gems up your ass and it will become a turd.. oh wait.. it already is..
  4. as to what i've been up too.. much more than you ever will in your entire career...... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. wow "real trains". do they run or did u hit up a train museum in the middle of the night?? not sure why there is a big white box in your gems but maybe they are so hot that they burned the image into white light?? dude seriously, shut up, you have no clue how much of an idiot you sound like when you say things like "real trains" and "good graffiti" to some of the people that you talk shit to on here. if u got an issue with this thread stay out, if you got any issues with the heads on here take it to the PM's. no one really cares for you view of graffiti of the last 5 years while you are at the internet cafe sipping a faggacino..
  6. :rolleyes: the future of graf
  7. http://allgraffitivideos.blogspot.com/2007/08/csx-manifest-through-angola-ny.html at the 45 sec mark..looks like a woem on a pan am rolling hard...
  8. and btw bump all that steel and concrete posted... woem is busting out kolun bugged eyed jerx des aok on the aok sicr sour jome
  9. by the way my 9 year old did his second character (the jerry only on the left) so easy with the hate fucknuts...
  10. jerx was thinking about trains...
  11. kolen shrunk it to play fast and furious...
  12. des struggled with the heat
  13. next up SICR doing his thang...
  14. Battle Slam Jam 2007 Like some things, people complain about everything like paint overspray on a Black Ford 500 but all in all these kids did a good job... Gyser in Action
  15. i'm pretty sure its JA, will have to see the trailer from home and recheck (damn work firewalls lol)
  16. LOOK HARD it's right next to it..
  17. as an old school cat I have to say Vel's progression is chill to see. I can see the effort and the technique getting better...he is doing it the write way, simple styles and colors not just jumping into wild style arrows and buubles etc.. keep it up vel.. and bump this tree killer..lol
  18. NC Graf - The thread most shit talkers love to steer clear of - BECAUSE WE GOTS THE BEST OF THE BEST lol.... to everyone shut the fuck up and paint already.... :jpotato: the jesus potato has spoken.. seriously just paint...leave the hate for the michael vick fans.... woof woof... :D
  19. there will be (5) 4x8 panels to paint..one will be open to the public so stop by and do your thang...i would be discreet tho for the :five-o:
  20. 10-4 As far as a graff battle, not this year. I am lining up to have it presented for next year as a possible competition. (working on maybe getting some sponsors for the materials etc) It should be a good day to chill watch the skaters, dancers, bballer and music nonetheless...
  21. Because they are two different styles of graff and there has always been a type of competition between the two. I agree do what you want. Some people will do the streets, some will do the steel, very few will do both. More power to you on your journey in this thing called graf life. I don't mean to sound "preachy" - sorry if it came off that way --- just trying to share a viewpoint from someone who has done a bunch on both platforms.. then again if you don't like what I post, don't read and move on..
  22. ^^ another nc cheerleader :) just kidding... seriously nc is still young in the movement. eventually it will be full of hatred and the young vs the old, the street vs the steel...
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