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Everything posted by quadra666

  1. what up sec thanks for the crits wheres your latest at
  2. quick sloppy sketch crittles
  3. i just realized he is writing "BOMR" hahahahahahahahahaha i normally try to hold back making fun of people but goddamn that shit is hilarious
  4. LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. Necro- at least your letters are the same width and you arent going for some wild lookin bullshit your A being up higher than the rest looks dumb the top of the T looks dumb like that eh, the rest is okay but is still dumb not tryin to piss u off but go just a bit simpler but the same type of shit i guess and the E is dumb too :p :p :) :)
  6. nice bouncingsoul, did u change it cuz of waster12 ?????
  8. reph- sick shit reph, only thing i got to say is i dont like how it gets smaller on the H side of it but thats whateva main- (?) ugly as hell bro, sorry, u need even width of the letters, the A sucks, but i guess overall it sort of a good start toward a simple....
  9. Yo "home"/night dont worry about that throwy in the mid of the page just focus on that piece u did on the bottom keep on fuckin with that and you are going to get more ideas and progress you have potential since u at least understand how to do a simple peace
  10. yea and isnt that post from like 100 pages ago, how bored are you today :lol:
  11. E is too skinny L is too fat work on more simple letter structure for a bit then try the same piece again, it will look better.
  12. figure out your own letters, dont ask for people to do it for you
  13. bump nice simple, good work
  14. bouncingsoul, the H seems a little too fat but other than that, damn that shit is fresh... maybe the S gets a little too crazy also, but it is sick. u finally settled on a name or what? edit- i know what it is bothering me with the S, u see how the top part overlaps the middle connecting part? yea... .... still fresh as hell though PS- u just gonn never do that exchnage or what? i will do another one for whaste if u want... .... and to that moron who thought my cats hair was my pubes, my pubes are way longer and curlier than that buddy, i dont trim :)
  15. :confused: sloppy parts = drunkeness edit- oh yea, ignore the cat hair that was apparently on my scanner
  16. shasta, chop, and freak shit is lookin pretty good lately... freak u need new markers :haha: peace
  17. the throwy was what i was talkin shit about in the first place, his other stuff is pretty decent
  18. probably not, i honestly dont care
  19. i dunno why but i kinda lke this one, except for the arrows
  20. all 3 of you need to go do a bunch of simples, like it is continously said in here try clicking the link i posted above, it is very helpful
  21. those stickers sucked the first time u posted them and they still do yea i did it in pencil but i have been busy, dont worry about it i am not blowing you off i will pm it to you when i am done
  22. here ya go necro http://bombingscience.com/graffitifo...howtopic=14335 :haha: how many times will i post this before people read it and learn something
  23. read this http://bombingscience.com/graffitiforum/index.php?showtopic=14335
  24. these are pretty nice, but im not really feelin the one in the middle
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