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Everything posted by quadra666

  1. so far the chloro battle are these: by ADEL by Adernaline1 by quadra666 is anyone else getting in on this or....?
  2. for the "chloro" battle sorry its late as fuck.... .....oops its a bit small, sorry bout that.... anyone want to fuck around with another battle??? pick a word
  3. yea i was waiting for that one from you lens go fuck yourself:p
  4. yea ill do the battle too but i dont know what the word is....
  5. yo.... lol... we should make a toy battle thread, thatd be pretty funny.....:confused:
  6. not that bad jet, keep practice nazt, keep practice :chicken: :bday:
  7. yo, if ur gonna do that long shading shit u need a ruler bro, no offense but that looks wack right now... ehh well, ive never been a fan of that long shading anyways so, ignore my bitching
  8. yo vare, i dig the V on the top one, it kinda looks like two keys back to back, looks tite
  9. that one looks cool but i think the letters should go all the way across the design just my opinion:confused:
  10. to make ur 3d better just make a vanishing point dont know what a vanishing point is? do a search for "how to draw in perspective" and im sure there is a website somewhere that explains it
  11. just write whatever the fuck u want man, who cares if someone has written it before as long as they arent some legend or some gangbanger thats gonna beat ur ass who gives a fuck right. plus think about it, theres tons of graf names that are common as fuck and u always see ppl bitchin about it but who really cares, as long as they arent in your city, it doesnt matter that much at least, thats my opinion on it, now go drink some tequila or go paint EDIT- no i have never heard of any DFEK, has anyone else?
  12. that was sarcasm.... KNICE, looks pretty good man, i like it. keep it up duder, go have some drinks its fuckin cinco de mayooooooo
  13. relax guy, i wasnt tryin to bust ur balls, everybody bites everybody, who cares damn yall need to relax and celebrate your mexican heritage!
  14. quit fuckin with me mr. ekto1 i know thats you, you sweaty nutsacked bitchboy!!!!! dont front cuz no one else knows im on this forum
  15. yea it fuckin sucks for me cuz theres not much to hit up round my crib cept one spot that i been to way too many times but its right around the corner and its chill so its so easy to hit up when ur trashed and ur just like "shit man i wanna paint" .... anything else id have to drive to which aint happening cince i alrady got one dui.
  16. what a fuckin boring ass cinco de mayo.... i cant wait till its gets later in nitetime so i can go fuckin paint :mad: :mad:
  17. dude dont even ask me about handstyles i fucken suck at them so bad i would think even the shittiest one looked good, i have no clue man, it looks fine to me but who knows what all these ""12oz experts"" would say.
  18. are you saying ur copying it off a font??? :shakehead:
  19. nic, looks good man, nice quick throwie.
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