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Everything posted by SouEstou

  1. She might have gotten what she deserved. Im not gonna rejoice in her suffering though. I usually feel sorry for crooks, cancer or not.
  2. hmmm...I cant really say.. It goes before an adjective..and its usually coupled with the word "extra" an ugly person would be extra McDusty....no..thats not right..they'd be "extra east broad street". Hmmm...its not something I can really come up with like that. "McHomo" gets a lot of use methinks. You know every crew has their own stupid cynical language...well....Mc is apart of mine. We sound crazy.
  3. I recently watched Fearless and Little Miss Sunshine..great movies I need to get Netflix again so I can stay on top of this shit. Bootlegs are getting tired.
  4. Haha...I used to say oner once in a while....but no one else got it "Mc" is still in its earlier facetious stages...as is "hardbody....that is...unless something went exxxtra hardbody and I just couldnt help it. OMGZ!!!....is purposely using outdated language ironic?? ARE WE HIPSTERS??!!
  5. Edit: I really didnt mean to be a downer. Haha...continue your party! Yay....
  6. Some very close to me had cancer, and ended up looking as bad as Faye did when she died. Its always sad to me.
  7. I saw her on Larry King the other night. I felt sorry for her because cancer is sad.
  8. yes...it starts off just being facetious...then you do it so much that it just works its way into your everyday vocab without you noticing... as was the case with the words lame, super, wallin, loser, duh, dood, hardbody....and the prefix Mc "Cool" (pronounced COOwull) has also made its way back to me that way. Its a vicious cycle.
  9. work on the kitchen table where da bags at...work...work me im just wild, I think I need therapy...cuz im goin after that money no matter where it be!
  10. You're right... I dont think I have ever heard that word spoken aloud. Shit, I dont think I have ever heard the word "rad" spoken aloud....just on here and maybe 90s television?
  11. I was trying to watch it But the dyke looking thing annoys me and the child cannot act. Also, I dont get it. Cool though.
  12. Fuck in d bushes fuckin in d tree If you fuck pon d bed you not fuckin big Fuck pon d floor fuck pon d tv
  13. Some of you should really kill yourselves Not all of you...some of those lies sound funny in a-you had to be there sorta way One of two of you sound like really...really are sad people. Including the threadstarter. Yep!
  14. All of you! Quit fucking sidestepping and explaining. YOURE JUST IMPLICATING YOURSELVES!! and its stupid. Everyone falls into an indefinable catagory. So what.
  15. Yeah, everyone is listening to shit nowadays.... I cant believe niggas are still listening to music I dont even listen to that shit...not even a little bit...anymore. Maybe five years ago! Trendy fucks. GEEZ brah...you guyz are still doing what the media tells YA!!?? If you want REAL entertainment why dont you try reading books!
  16. Speaking of older Channel Zero... That is....if we are speaking of such things does anyone remember the popular phrase the funk or...when it used to be "brought"? And its association with the color orange....or gold? How/When did that die out?
  17. Yeah dood. If he dicked down your girlfriend he's totally gotta be type gay dood. If it were me man, I would break his neck with my bare hands brah. All that while I give her mom and sister the cock like whoaseph brah. If you dont do all that yer a total pussy. Thanks Quaranta brah, that dood knows what im talkin about. Tubular?
  18. Something is still capable of being "the bomb" in 2007? Why, I had no idea. Gee Wilickers!
  19. Im not trying to be funny or anything... Dont call her Dont wait for her to call Go outside or something. Find a distraction. MAYBE get lunch on a FREE day?? I dont think she likes you. And thats a perfectly good reason to break up with someone. Shes not being as straight with you as she could...but she really told you enough. Fuck the details. You'll get over it. Stiff uppalip!
  20. I really enjoyed the movie, but there were some things that I didnt like about it. The Nokia Scene=Unecessary cheese. Its just stupid. The Prime-Megatron fight left a lot more to be desired. Megan Fox, Josh Duhamawhatever (horrible), and Tyrese could have easily been replaced. The Decepticons were much more memorable than the Autobots. Blackout (Pave Low= Soooo hardbody) and Barricade's scenes especially. Then Starscream just...ya know....tearin shit up when he felt like it-cuz he really didnt give a fuck. They really made up for a lot of the dumb shit.
  21. No...even though I kind of write like that anyway
  22. You described it perfectly. You feel satisfied at the end which is amazing given that most of it kind of slow and seemingly aimless. It isnt a formula that is supposed to work but it does brilliantly with this film. I remember the second time I watched it.....I couldnt remember anything about it except that I really enjoyed it the first time. I sat through it...with very high expectations...mildly entertained, trying to remember why I loved it so much the first time. Then the end came with a crash and I was (again) fucking floored.
  23. SouEstou


    Tell that bitch to tell him herself or get off by her damn self. What the fuck she telling you for anyway?
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