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Everything posted by mn1_fuckos

  1. false the person below me slept more then 10 hours today
  2. Fuckthat nice catch! john lester im really diggin those
  3. false the person below me check the oontz on their phone
  4. turns out i suck at clone stamping still i wish i would have caught a couple more shots it would have made it easier
  5. this one i was lucky and had good light on it and i just opened it in Lightroom and used a preset called Steel which gives the photo a bullshit HDR look to it But most of the time those are HDR shots HDR http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_dynamic_range_imaging Heres the link to the preset http://albertdebruijn.com/home/free-lightroom-presets/creative-presets I rarely like to use it since it isn't really my favorite look but it looked dope on this shot
  6. heres a couple from 2 days ago. You guys know my love for transit
  7. false the person below me know what bills means.
  8. true the person below me wonders why
  9. out of the 5 i posted the first two were my favorites I shot them from waist level without looking at the view finder to keep the people from noticing i was taking their flick
  10. Im really digging that last one Jbrush!
  11. false the person below me is blacker then black
  12. That tile mosaic is the shit i would have liked it better if you would have caught the whole plant pot in the shot
  13. dude if your gonna post in here fine but take the criticism and acknowledge it dont fuckin blow it out of proportion like its brickslayers. If you suck keep working at it up until you get better and post your flicks
  14. false i dont fiend the person below me ate pizza today
  15. Its the size of the opening that allows a certain amount of light into the camera just incase you were serious here's one i took with the new d80
  16. im cool with it down the line when i make some more money ill buy myself a hasselblad got it off craigslist from some guy triyin to get rid of it because he bought a nikon d300. he took less the 2000 flicks with the d80 and had it sitting in the original box for 6 months. So it think it was a steal even though im broke as fuck now
  17. Bought a nikon d80 it took me to the cleaners but im movin on up!
  18. all the time the person below me got slapped by a nigga
  19. get out! haha damn didn't know you were on here too. Quality flicks like always.
  20. false the person below me has dislocated a joint their arm before
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