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Foil Fiend

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Everything posted by Foil Fiend

  1. mostly alone, less chance of gettin caught, although sometimes its good to have 2 or 3 of yo boyz get liquered up and go on mad bombing mission, egging each other on etc.... alternatively if I wanna do dome pieces/throwups go with my girl to keep look out although she usually bored after half an hour...then she dont want me touching her cos I got paint all over my hands..
  2. I just continue only cars to watch out for is cops....Anyone else just ignore like they aint there!! Ive had some people start conversations of 'how cool it is etc etc' some just keep walking scared, maybe once or twice in the early days when i was younger have a go heros have confronted me, and once whilst doin an illegal piece had to bounce cos some assole phoned the law on his mobile!...Now mobiles is what has really fucked up the game!
  3. why would you start a thread on this???? unless your a toy who been robbed!
  4. I originally underestimated this guy (being from the UK and not having access to much of the work he had done when I started writing in the late 80's)...but since Ive seen the shear amount of work this dude put in I got nothing but mad respect for him...
  5. yeah this looks like it would be fresh, any pics of it finished??
  6. of you gotta ask who Avilsden is then you started writing like last week or you a straight up TOY..IM FROM THE uk AND i FUCKIN KNOW WHO THAT IS!!:rolleyes:
  7. dudes painted some dope pieces, so dont know why his taggin sucks! his throwie is pretty lame too!
  8. risk9 lookin the freshest on this mess!
  9. yeah I prefer alone if its an illegal mission, I cant seem to rely on aomeone else looking out for me, but on chilled legal walls painting with ya crew is a laugh...
  10. this is in State Your Name in the dg section!
  11. is this goldie from Wolverhamton in the UK??? o know he visited NYC in the 80's and chilled with brim bio etc
  12. you gotta love philly handstyles!
  13. yeah Id smash the back doors off of that!!
  14. Classic NYC shizzle...
  15. yeah since we dont get Rusto in the UK, Id agree it has to be Spanish Montana everytime!
  16. love this guys throwies, but his tags always seem a little weak to me (just my opinion Im not hatin) apart from when he writes in that Philly type handstyle, but I gotta give him mad props for sheer amount of ups!!
  17. Spanish Montana every time!! better quality by far than the expensive imitation by the Krauts!
  18. who gives a ***** just paint......Is it me or is this site mainly visited by school kids, I really dont know why dumb ass questions like this get any time or space
  19. now this cat is what you call 'True Legend'...damn is stuff still burns today over 25 years later....
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