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The First of Faze

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Everything posted by The First of Faze

  1. if you dont mind im gonna go stick a razorblade im my eye sockets now :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: Quoted post i think who ever painted that had to have tried to be that horrible cause thats disgusting Quoted post I never thought you could go below the level of toy.. this changes my perspective Quoted post [/b] word thats lie ka cheap ass plastic mcdonalds happy meal toy...that was melted, eaten by some fat ass greasy guy at the mcdonalds then shit out into the disgusting fast food restaraunt restrooms...
  2. ouch...what a dick thing to do...haha know hes better so hes just gunna steal the nukahs name...that shit dont hold much respect...i feel bad for you vare...but id just keep the name cause if you oth are toys who gives a hsit if you have the same name it aint no famous name
  3. 9 more... the link---http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/3739/stickers0035zi.jpg
  4. i cpomlpetely dig this style man...looks great....hope its not done though...casue it has so much raw potential in this state
  5. new two letter peice sticker...click it for real size sorry for poor pic quality
  6. i dunno what you mean...dont tell him to run before he an walk i believe the expression is...his simple is def not bad but the toy forums are still a good place for him
  7. damn pussy nuts/noble...dope shit...
  8. heres my stash...also got a few markers and shit...nothing special
  9. can i get some more feedback on these....i no theyre sloppy? kalo...like ur werk bro Quoted post [/b] heres some feedback...you spelt your own name wrong...you put the a before the e...besides that they're decent but not anything good really the perspective looks fine to me but they're kind of boring...
  10. most def...its liek the word fag...everyone says fag...but no one means either a bundle of sticks or someone of homosexual nature...its just an insult
  11. someone, ahem sins, likes new metal...limp bizkit and korn sketches...i used to dig that shit now i realise limp bizkit is as toy at metal as we are at graff.... EDIT: apology to wes borland, he got out and destroyed the band...good thing getting himself out of that pile of shit and another good thing destroying it he is a genious though
  12. ohh thats what that middle was...i htought you did some wack ass 3d right there i couldnt tell what the fuck it wa...i see it clearly now though...just teh black and white through me off cant tell the letters from the 3d...
  13. my 3 sticker designs in baggies... 600 in progress where those came from...hope to have those done by the week and posted in a shoebox full of them
  14. i cant read this at all...is it sy? sa? what?
  15. enko id go for the priority mail...they're cheap and they're larger...order them online you cna get 500 without any douchebags at the post office asking why you need so many or any of that shit
  16. letter structure is so hard to describe...i just learned what it meant abotu a month ago and before that i used it to mean how smooth the peice was... EDIT: PSPs kick ass! and thanks i cant wait to see the resm peice ill do a bone one too
  17. anx looks great all shadows and shit except the eyes...maybe try and find a glare mark or light source that can reflect it so the eyes look as alive as the rest of the face...you know?
  18. agreed that backround is tight...looks liek its dirt under glass or something...i dunno maybe im seeing shit
  19. if you hit a thin ass white outline on that judge funk peice...hott ass fuck!
  20. bones peices are nice but i must agree they do not(especailly the last one) have good letter structure...the flush kind of well but thats a whole different thing
  21. once again, click them if you want to see the pic... and imatagstar, are you writing resm? cause if you are we got a lil situation here...cause ehh thats me
  22. enko, an exchange means you write resm in a sketch and ill write bone...then we post em just for fun...exchange names for a sketch... heres my latest skech and i traced it in mspaint so you cna actually see the lines instead of the pencil lines
  23. just fuckin with sharpies 2 min ago doign resm yesterday
  24. yo bone wanan do an exchange? i'll write bone you write resm?...ill post my new sketch in a second and you can see if you like my style...
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