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Everything posted by rubeek

  1. haha I know that now :) razor wire really is a bit of a bitch hey so is running with thongs
  2. hehe thx mate Anyone heading down to the freo power station, please flick my piece In the room to the left of the entrance Black fill white outline Would hell appreciate it cheers
  3. That Feck throw jumble is just fucking amazing such an ill idea yeah and um Props to the Yok, 2tone and that blue fill peach background aire in that abandoned lot. It's old as fuck but I dig it Hey are we asterisking out words now? I know they did it in the melbs thread coz of heat, do we really need to bother? Hit me up and I'll edit if we have to
  4. easier said than done you realise that a lot of people don't like their shit posted and will whinge when you post it this is one reason why i only post my own
  5. rare night shit and a tune. I personally fucking love this kinda shit http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/1/8/614026/03-percee_p-throwback_rap_attack-c4.mp3 Percee P - Throwback Rap Attack
  6. No shit alert, I love your letterforms man, especially that lowercase a, completely fucking ridiculous. Would love to see some fills and stuff rocked in the sketches
  7. Nice one E_B_A and Done, really really feeling the painted piece man You got the flavour down mate
  8. not really coloured or anything for the crew don Eksit
  9. ridiculously ill I'm from australia so I don't know shit about this but I'm pretty sure I've seen a lot of freights done in a simlarish style to this somewhere out west in the US? If anyone has any info on where this style is basically from and some good writers who use the style I'd appreciate it. Flicks even. Coz it's fucking sick cheers heads
  10. was gonna fix yr flick for ya mate but it's just stock don't really need that in this thread anyway mang pce
  11. Bame just destroys it every time
  12. Props to intelligent discussion. I've seen so much dumb shit on this board, it's cool to see some heads who have half a clue putting their 2c in. that's all.
  13. this is real rough, not my best but i'm kinda keen on this letter tyle think ive bitten it from a bunch of cats without really knowing where it came from or anything props sevnth, skeet, blackboatshoes, mr ask, 5-9 etc
  14. thread is fucking flying nice work, heads lazy for friends clothing label half sketch half computer geekery
  15. would post some other shit but i get all my local flicks off this thread :P some ill shit on this page though Props Arse, Nok, Swish and Sale
  16. that's fucking fresh, I can't get over how solid that e is
  17. word. this guy speaks the truth. props
  18. Muckin around with watercolour pencils and colour filters and shit
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