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Everything posted by rubeek

  1. Maybe if you complain about it on the internet, it will stop
  2. typically tin cans, jumpers, patches of grass and your emotions
  3. fucking good couple of pages, this last few good work you cunts
  4. Show us that ir*te - you can see it in the flick with that really fucking gay comparison between perth and melbs
  5. IMAGE CODES sorry mate from memory there are a few lines of code under the image on photobucket. The one with the triangle brackets and shit is the html link. That doesn't work here. If there's one that has square brackets there you can either straight up post that link into the reply box OR if there's just a plain link (starts with http or www with no square or triangle brackets) then copy that and click the 'insert image' icon when replying to this thread and paste it there. This is a pain in the arse to type up coz i'm on my phone so this better work!
  6. Upload your photos to photobucket.com. You will need to start an account if you don't have one. When you upload them they will display with an internet link below them. Copy this link. Come on here and make a post. Click the image icon above the post text space. It looks like a sun over a mountain and is kinda yellow. When you click this another box will pop up. Paste the image link in here and press okay or whatever. It will look like some internet url shit in square brackets. Post this shit. After you post it it turns into an image. Tell your friends.
  7. ah, beaten to punch by eels. Yo Flauntster, I see you there high five for me seeing you there aw yeuh
  8. yeah cheers guys anyone gets sick of me posting my own shit just pm me or something and i'll stop should really get out there and start flicking other shit ahah
  9. internet whatever when the hell was sever here? and is that push?
  10. ^ props is props. difference in phrasing means fuck all, i reckon rubik 3la, dt perth western australia
  11. yeah is mine i paint bored people too much
  12. fucking around yeah yeah it's been cross posted everywhere i know i know
  13. guy was obviously kidding when in doubt, look through previous posts ;-)
  14. Skirmfirm - fuck yeah mate Def as fuck
  15. I can't see anyone complaining if you post a pic or two of painted pieces ya done mate
  16. We may or may not have been on good terms but that doesn't make it any less of a tragedy RIP fucking terrible shit :(
  17. nah i did it this arvo, shouldnt have been dogged yet saw the roller dogging though fucking disgrace, seriously
  18. haha I know that now :) razor wire really is a bit of a bitch hey so is running with thongs
  19. hehe thx mate Anyone heading down to the freo power station, please flick my piece In the room to the left of the entrance Black fill white outline Would hell appreciate it cheers
  20. That Feck throw jumble is just fucking amazing such an ill idea yeah and um Props to the Yok, 2tone and that blue fill peach background aire in that abandoned lot. It's old as fuck but I dig it Hey are we asterisking out words now? I know they did it in the melbs thread coz of heat, do we really need to bother? Hit me up and I'll edit if we have to
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