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Everything posted by rubeek

  1. Jesus... Ask burns boith charos and pieces really really fuckin nice work man dodgy pencil sketch
  2. Otaku - I fuckin dig it, man.
  3. Na I cheat and use marker for the lines on canvas :)
  4. Fucking mad work NewKoncept and Jamba Juice Been too long since I tried canvases. Few mistakes on this one, ah well spray and markers
  5. bayswater jam the other week :P anyone want anything removed you know what to do
  6. Word Sydney Is there a guy called Ample who does a lot of characters (and pieces) in Sydney? If so post em! Seen his shit on the net it's fucking well done
  7. yeah. computercoloured ver here http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a84/orangedust/xudebrick125b.jpg edit: yeah, big attempt at bates bite
  8. should have some shit from nice bayswater jam next few days gotta get my ass around town to collect a cd Thx for posting the freo shit, didn't make it. Looks like it went pretty well!
  9. Holy shit some of you guys are nuts Eightyfoursx fucking good effort. Those spider handies are awesome
  10. Anonymous1 - fucking dope man, that electric 3d really pops it out I don't tend to colour sketches I plan on painting. Kinda fun to freestyle the colours and fill a little. Cheers though man!
  11. Some really hot shit in here lately good work eh My contribution, sorry no colours. Planning on painting it (and yes it will probably take me all day)
  12. mostly just biros and highlighters? really amazing skill at biro fades those really deserve props man
  13. That koala is fucking wicked and is that a Jeroo up there in white and red?? Also just had to post this.... Google Oner Sexy Graffiti Perfume Products and info about sexy graffiti perfume eBay.com.au haha sexy graffiti perfume I love those google ads
  14. Haha no shit dude same here :) Seriously though man keep posting those characters
  15. Gearatt's post killed it, fucking nice one man
  16. ^ Good call on the overused "one" suffix. Unfortunately these days it's basically gotten to the stage where most of the people who call themselves (name)ONE are in their first few months of graffiti whereas most experienced writers shy away from using it. [edit] notice I said MOST.
  17. yeah dude fucking dope work again Shasta
  18. Tezer - good shit dude Shasta - yeah dude looks like you're onto something mate, keep it up
  19. Where's the man from? Brisbane!! hehe Just joshin man, the style fkn burns really feeling the symmetrical aspects (the upward arrows beneath the k and s), of course the detail, and the way the bottom section of the s 'bubbles' out to the right. I'd like to see what it looks like maybe pencil shaded (primarily the 3d, maybe some shadows for overlapping bits) and maybe a little more heavily inked (fatten up some areas of emphasis by a pen line width or two) sorry to be so..... verbose.
  20. Fuckin word to this thread and Leftie from me, here in Western Australia
  21. rubeek


  22. Look, I'm not dumb I know a reasonable amnt of stuff from around the world, more than just the usual "oh yeah sofles" and "oh man i love revok msk" etc etc all I'm just saying is that this thread is for flicks, NOT calling people biters. If you wanna bitch fuck off and do it in another thread coz it's really not welcome here
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