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Everything posted by whoiseuth

  1. terrorizing the thread huh mr.items? i got lotsa CEARE action, no freights though. i dont bother with the DARE stuff i see down there. one love.
  2. i just cant help myself really: what makes the jewish question so unique is that it is both a faith as well as an ethnicity. i may be stating the obvious but the same is not true for christians, and even, although less so, for muslims. i usually try to aviod these kinds of arguments because i dont think i should have to think of points against racial prejudice, it is more about me than any of you. i shouldnt have to reassure myself that hating jews is bad and that nazism/white power/white pride is misguided if not outright wrong. but hey whatevers clever. all of you will probably go get jobs just like anyone else and no one will ever be the wiser about any hatred/prejudice. unless you are a cop in which case such is expected. one love. seeking i aint tellin you how to do your job but get the last word and close this business.
  3. trackstand, did some research because i am a sad motherfucker. modern had five threads to his name. three of these threads were loaded with flicks. the other two were in the assembly, this being one of em. you on the other hand have at least thirty threads none of which fall in the benches section. so in short you can eat shit. peace.
  4. ^^^good show.^^^ agreed wholeheartedly.
  5. i just took the age one. moderate preference toward young. never dug psychology. interesting though. peace.
  6. i meant more what does it stand for.
  7. modern was right and beefeater shoulda stuck to his guns and kept this closed. ++ wrong forum too eh? ++
  8. i would imagine all this KKK bullshit to be somewhat like straightedge. a buncha skinny rich white kids with nothing better to do than hate looking for something bigger than themselves to give them a name. only love for the gentiles. ++ spelling OCD ++
  9. whats SPLC? + erased the quote +
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