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johnny ballbags

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Everything posted by johnny ballbags

  1. sef... ive done that like 10 times already........ its definitely not that............ i try to fix problems on my own for a while before i get fed up enough to bother you guys... so usually ive tried all the obvious stuff already.... it says "data error (cyclic redundancy check)" after it tries to install..... im looking through a bunch of google results from that now but im not finding much..... how do i always have the most retarded problems that ive never heard of before?
  2. im having trouble getting my jump drives to work after a fresh install of windows..... the found new hardware thing goes through the motions and then says an error occurred during installation..... theres no driver offered for the things cuz they are supposed to be plug and play....... fucking cocksucking dick shitters this is annoying......
  3. Re: Music Exchange http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E90OW1OL
  4. Re: Music Exchange oontz.... oontz...... oontz......
  5. i hear ya man... im going through the same thing doing an album design for a friend of mine... i think we are on our 4th or 5th concept now............. im hoping this ones gonna be it, but its still up in the air..... doing work only to throw it out sucks... and sitting on the same project for too long makes you lose interest.... if theres anything i can do to give you a hand let me know..... i think my pm's are full so send me an email if you want....
  6. ps... harvey: i did a quick search.... check out this forum page: http://forums.macosxhints.com/showthread.php?t=32299 ..... theres some different methods/programs listed and linked on there..... i know nothing bout macs.... if you know someone who does audio production i would ask them cuz im sure ripping samples from dvd's is pretty common.... if you are still having trouble let me know and ill make a call and find out for you.....
  7. whats up casek... hows things man? hey harvey... i would, but i dont think most of ch0 gives a shit about what senor ballbags has been up to.... and nothing all that interesting has happened anyway.... im just not doing the desk job thing anymore so im not on the net that much.... same company, different position (more money)......
  8. torrents.... torrentspy and bitlord... it was before the US ban thing... but i been away on vaca for a bit so i didnt have a chance to try to watch it.... (it was fracture btw... which i still want to see) ima do a restore now..... good to hear alls well with you... so i havent been missing much, huh?...
  9. i can reinstall windows from the recovery discs that i have..... but i was hoping to be able to replace the system file and be good so i didnt have to lose work that i got on there.... this shit happened when i was trying to play a movied i dl'ed.... the file was shit.... and now the pc i dl'ed it on (the one im on now) is acting up too.... it just fucking went all black on me out of nowhere like 5 minutes ago...... i have way too much shit on this one to lose.... ive been meaning to get external storage to back shit up and format for a while, but ive been lazy.... time make it happen soon i think... btw... sef, how you been? i havent been spending much time at all online lately.... sorry to be coming in here only when i need someting and not even at least saying hello....
  10. i tried using the erd disc that i have but it said something about the license not being good when i first got on it and then when i tried to do a restore (using erd) it said there were no restore points..... when i tried to do a restore without erd it went back to the same screen with the missing system file..... do i need to get a new version of erd or some shit? i looked for a license and found some article about microsoft buying erd.....
  11. Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM ?????? http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307545 or is there an easier better way? its an ibm thinkpad... i have a set of recovery discs, but not the windows xp os disc.... theres some recovery console shit with the discs, but its not the same as booting from an os disc and using the repair option............... ill prolly figure it out on my own, but i just figured id pop in here and see if you guys had a quick fix..... thanks......
  12. dear beer, thank you...... -jbbags....
  13. i hope this story is in the book....... if not it should be....
  14. its a lexar.... and it was aquired.... as were the three 2gb's i just got... so no money lost, just need to be careful bout losing important shit i guess.... i have had a kingston for over a year now and used the shit out of it with no problems.... thanks for the info....
  15. so no one knows why my flash drive lost 25% of its space?
  16. i have always had firefox as the default browser, but i just realized that they might have set the default for clicked links in IE to open a new window, instead of open in current window...... whatever they did do, it wasnt intentional.. i know that much... i wont have a chance to check till i go there monday night to pick it up and bring it home...
  17. the default browser has always been firefox...... and neither of the two suspects in the situation even know what the fuck firefox even is....
  18. i haves two questions: 1. after being out of the office and working on the road for the past week i went back in and my computer was all fucked up (either from one of my coworkers or one of their kids fucking around with my shit).... nothing major (i dont think), but there was 5 IE shortcuts on the desktop and when i hit the IE icon it created more shortcuts..... so i just deleted them all..... but now when i click on a link in my favorites in IE it opens this site in firefox... i really wouldnt give a shit, but some of the vendor sites i use at work dont function properly in firefox... i changed my pw to keep fuckers out, and im taking the comp home with me to swap out some parts (including the hd) with one of my home ones, so i dont really care if it gets fixed cuz its getting formatted and used as a slave, but i would like to know how the fuck this shit happened....... 2. one of my 1gb flash drives is completely empty, but its only showing 726mb of free space.... there no hidden files and i defragged it twice... any ideas? [/really long post]
  19. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! yeah youre right... owning and loving pets is so not hip hop.... go back to paper chase suck a fat dick you prepubescent dickless shit eating faggot....
  20. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! is that new? i dont remember you having a dog...... kinda has the same face as one of mine....
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