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johnny ballbags

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Everything posted by johnny ballbags

  1. yeah... well both but works payin for it... some of the shit i work on is so fucking behind the times when it comes to technology its ridiculous...
  2. http://www.gasboy.com/page/fleet_management_POS_PC_1000 http://www.gasboy.com/page/fleet_management_POS_PC_CFN http://www.veeder.com/page/inform_pc_software and a bunch of other similar shit....
  3. dont think vista is gonna work with the software ill be using....
  4. thanks... does windows defender fill the need for antispyware? another question....... anyone know of any good deals on laptops right now? budget is around 800...... no vista..... thanks again....
  5. i just dumped all my files to an external and im about to reinstall windows... im gonna try to install it on the 250gb hd that i couldnt get to work as a slave with my current windows install... any advice for the fresh install? avast? spybot s&d? spywareblaster? adaware? oh and seff, a while ago you posted something that made windows bypass the login screen... do have any clue what im talking about?
  6. honestly most if not all of what i posted was done just playing around.... they were more about the process and creating them than they were about the final outcome... i had no formal training in photoshop or anything for that matter so i did a lot of stuff like that just to explore the tools and get more familiar with them.... or to "warm up" for lack of a better term before getting into some actual work kinda like you would do a few really loose doodles/sketches before getting ready to draw something... i didnt go in with a goal or a concept, they just kinda happened... and the only one that i actually like at all is the third one, and i have the last one in a little 4x6 frame hung on the wall cuz my girl liked it... i just scanned my HD for things i might be able to contribute to the thread and those are what i came up with.. unfortunately i lost a lot of my freehand ability when i started spending tons of time with digital stuff, and art became more work than fun when design became a way to supplement my income and i had to please retards with horrible taste.... /end super lengthy post
  7. why is this argument happening in here? take it somewhere else..
  8. seeks... delete my posts then... this thread is going good... i dont want to fuck it up.... ps... do you sleep?
  9. more digital shit.... does this stuff even belong in here?.... feel free to delete it if not.....
  10. cant find my camera..... can i get in the throwie battle using a tablet in photoshop?
  11. you were right casek.... what i did was plug my jump drive into another computer to identify the driver that xp was using for it.... disk.sys..... i went and deleted it from the computer im having trouble with not thinking that it was most likely the same driver windows was using for the hd..... yeah im a retard..... so.... BSOD...... grabbed the disk.sys file from another computer and using ERD copied it from a jump drive back into the system folder.... no more BSOD.... but now im back to square one..... the jump drives still wont install correctly.... its telling me the data is invalid..... and check disk still freezes at 30% when checking free space....
  12. hd's fucked anyway.... i tried to do a check disk thing and it kept freezing and the i did a diagnostics test through the access ibm shit that came with the comp and it kept finding errors on the hd...... oh well... theyre gonna have to buy me a new one.... and ill find an hd for it some where and have one more computer than before.....
  13. um.... i deleted the disk.sys file that should have been used for the driver.... and.... what did i get?.... BSOD!!!!!!!! FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK....
  14. sorry for being a dick man...... but....... i been dealing with this shit for over an hour now..... and its starting to really piss me off......
  15. sef... ive done that like 10 times already........ its definitely not that............ i try to fix problems on my own for a while before i get fed up enough to bother you guys... so usually ive tried all the obvious stuff already.... it says "data error (cyclic redundancy check)" after it tries to install..... im looking through a bunch of google results from that now but im not finding much..... how do i always have the most retarded problems that ive never heard of before?
  16. im having trouble getting my jump drives to work after a fresh install of windows..... the found new hardware thing goes through the motions and then says an error occurred during installation..... theres no driver offered for the things cuz they are supposed to be plug and play....... fucking cocksucking dick shitters this is annoying......
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