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Everything posted by sabe2005

  1. Nice adds!. I'll keep you posted on the development of Blackout. This is ill!
  2. Actually we are redoing this book entirely. The review you saw is from a different artist. Right now this isn't out yet, but I'm trying to get my ass in gear so I can turn out more pages per month. You can see about getting a copy of the old artists work, but I would wait for my version. Not trying to toot my own horn but I think it works better to have the characters robotic, but so sutble that you have to pay close attention to notice they are robots.
  3. Yea man, I work with writter Jay Beane on this. So all the art is mine. The whole comic isn't all like this but I break it down like this a lot. Because I just like to smooth it out. Glad you think it flows well.
  4. Whoa great thread! Here is page 15 from my comic Blackout.
  5. holy shit I rememeber that show ^
  6. So I just got a digital camera, I'm taking some shots for fun, here's some of the sky.
  7. hahahahah that batman quote is hilarious!
  8. Yea, after school life is behind you man. lol You had a good run. Unless your a starving artist who has self destruction to look forward to.
  9. weaponX- Thats this comic book colabo. There are many artists that issue out a few stories of theirs like copper in one book every couple of months. Here just check this site> boltcity.com They really are doing some great shit with ps. Theres also this site where many of them post their recent work which I also post on. > http://www.flightcomics.com/forum/ Oh those DD additions... ^ = goodness!
  10. nice updates here. I gotta agree that that spidey looks fucking horrible and plastic. I go for the traditional method, I think Alex Ross is a good example. But there are some Ps coloring that is kickin' out there. Lots of new talents bringing fresh stuff..........
  11. that rivera guy is pretty slick. And I agree, the quality isn't that great, I just like those kinda sculptures. mos def post some fresh ones!
  12. Yea, exactly, kills the feel, in this case. I'm still gonna experiment with the idea...
  13. yea, the idea of childrens drawing revamped in the same style is interesting, but I'm not crazy about this one above. I like the kids better too.
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