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Francis Dolarhyde 36

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Everything posted by Francis Dolarhyde 36

  1. yeah man..yer doing it. but before you go painting trains ya need to getchya weight up. learn how to cut up and look clean. yer shit looks like bugs bunny painted it. all i'm saying is trains are sacred to a lot of writers..when you just go hitting them up with some half ass work it just looks bad. put that on a wall and no ones sayin shit..but any metal head who puts in major work is gonna snuff yer shit. end of story.
  2. turnin and burnin. i think i just lit my curtains on fire. FUCK!
  3. its coo man. i'm not gonna argue with you. i dont know you or what you do. i'm sure you've put your work in. i just feed off the shit other people talk. and yer post a few back was talkin on a good one. so i put it on blast. life goes on. more flics get posted. nuff said
  4. p. s. bump that rusty can flic. shit is dope.
  5. ya shoulda left out "thats why i quit painting". ya make it seem like you gave up on graf or writing or painting because of some chumps on 12oz. because of a fucked up perception? or because there are some dick riders? cause of some self promoters? thats what i meant by what did you expect. there is every different kind of person on here, from toy to writer to king..and if you take the toys and the wanna-bes self promotion so personally then man, you shouldnt have even started writing or going on here you used to paint, right? well you shoulda kept painting and kept crushing. then when you are giving props to other writers it doesnt make you look like YOU are the dick rider. i'm sure those guys kill shit..but saying that you are "disappointed" or the you "dont like" some writers is corny. who are you to be disappointed when they are doing it and by self admission, you aint doin shit.
  6. its crazy the control the leaders of country's have over the citizens.......sorta concerns me
  7. breaking and entering. entering and taking. steady stayin paid!
  8. "you guys"? the only one who bump'd it was the guy who posted it. stop being such a fuckin cry baby. yer on 12oz dude. what the fuck do you expect from it? its not a magazine. i'm glad that all those people are crushin. are you rollin with them? is aura disappointed in you? why the fuck does what you say even matter? do niggas who are painting give a fuck about yer 12 oz opinion? are they reading this like "oh shit this kid knows whats up, WE ARE PAINTING" yer 12oz opinion isnt worth a dime. chump.
  9. hahahahhahaa. "that stuff" haha. jizz. it could be cum either way. i shot some slerm in her throat. she got slerm all over my dick. her pussy leaks slurm. still sounds nasty. bump some nasty shit!!
  10. slerm is a nasty word. get nasty with it nasty mcnasterson!
  11. i see a lot of rites trains in Seattle. but um....rites, yer flics belong in the METAL thread.
  12. that elboe is naaaaaasty. bump that nasty shit!
  13. the king himself. brutal..pioneer. bumps!
  14. bump Sura, Verse, GPK, Meter shit is fresh from dude and hands!
  15. no harm no foul. jaber, smoker, dtc, poe..not shitty tags! good flics for real. there is an abundence of other new comers from multiple threads posting garbage. i was just putting the word out in my hometown thread. haha. keep up the old school flics too man!!
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