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Satans Little Helper

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Everything posted by Satans Little Helper

  1. Nice Eaton flix Stan. Happy Birthday. You should ice out the medallions
  2. whats up with these attachments? I didn´t post anything with my shit
  3. This how ya´ll gonna spend your Saturday...
  4. That kid raindrop got some lyrics yo!
  5. C´mon now, you can´t figure that shit out...Free the man, it´s only logical
  6. Bump Eli going dukes of hazard on that cop car and bump Kaptain Ker
  7. What a douchebag response. How often do you even get out the house
  8. The good old Milton Bradley days. Thats when the sleep overs turned to stay ups
  9. Eating some cool americans right now in fact. Their better than in N. America
  10. Yo crocodile I will be sure to post more Iceland pics throughout the week
  11. I have noticed that Reykjavik is bombed pretty hard. The last time I was here it was over 15 years ago and there were only 2 writers in the whole city. Jump forward to now and my mind was blown over how much the graf scene here has exploded. 20 hours of sunlight sounds about right--if it´s summer--in winter it´s the opposite but much milder weather than the place I laid my head for the last two years ( Canada ). Iceland is my heritage and I am proud to now call it my home
  12. I guess ranch is an american thing. Iceland is only scary looking during the winter as I try and soak up what little sun is left til the spring
  13. ICELAND----My new home. Pictures won´t be the greatest till my wife gets back from London with the camera; This is for Stan51 Had to go get my passport today Some scenic shit Just One... Tougher than What I will lunching on today On my way home Definetly more to come and with a real camera. Goðan Daginn!!!
  14. The world...me...shit is definetly dope, all of it, not just the Seth joint
  15. Those girls are not hot. I hope that was sarcasm
  16. Fuckin´ Right!!! BUMP KOS Iceland
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