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Everything posted by ILOTSMYBRAIN

  1. dude shut up graff has been going on since the dawn of time.... in rome they would use people that did graffiti to post messages for all to see, and you can best believe if they were caught doing so they're would be a hefty price to pay...and this is only one example.. but regardless to what you may say the hip-hop culture that now consumes the whole fucking world, orginanted in NYC sure it might have been other places around the same time, but NYC created the beast. now can we back off this redundant arguement because it really don't fuckin matter.
  2. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread that last AEK is dope as well.
  3. do you know how many people have pushed the "XTC" crew, that aren't down. im pretty sure XTC is a crew name that is about as popular as THC.
  4. you can't seriously be asking this question, or can you? :confused:
  5. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread PK has been puttin in work for years...doubt it was disrespectful at all.
  6. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread i've bitten off rime, who hasn't? hes one of the best to do this thing called graff... all writers "bite" get the fuck over it.
  7. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread those aids kids can peice, but there hands need some workk.
  8. Re: The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread JERSEY BRINGS THE HEAT, THAT LAST SHARK IS FIRE.
  9. RIP always loved catching his flicks on here dude was a monster on them freights.
  10. i hope that isn't mend from staten, doesn't look anything like him but ;o
  11. casek i thought you'd get a kick out of this. http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=971924
  12. the last revok is one of my fav's i've seen him do.
  13. Yea I was already thinking about the fan thing. I'm probably going to head out to bestbuy tommorow. This whole system is brand new, so I have no idea why the card would be taking a shit. All the fans work, and I've lowered everything to preformance or high preformance, with all the ATI options.. I even took the case off, and put it close to my window so it gets a nice breeze. Hopefully the fan does the trick though. This really sucks btw :(
  14. Well my case is off completly atm, and it really did nothing to help the issue, maybe a few more rounds of CS/MOH/w/e game i'm playing ATM. If you know of/where I could get information on how to underclock a ATI card, I think that would help. So far on google I haven't been able to find anything off the first few pages. Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough. ;\
  15. The heatsink on my videocard is what I touched to see how hot it was, and my hand could have went on fire if I kept it there.. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  16. Overheating issues. I recently invested in a new shuttle here are the links: http://store.yahoo.com/directron/sb95pv2.html http://store.yahoo.com/directron/vs1gbkit533d2.html http://www.digit-life.com/articles2/video/x800-1.html ( the first card on the list) Everytime I try to place any kind of game specifically CS:S, the shuttle after about a map rotation, sometimes sooner crashes, and reboots. Before it does that though, the game usually starts to do this. (screenshot in attachment) I took the case off, and tried running the game, and it usually lasts a little bit longer with the case on, but the same thing happens. After every crash, I touch the videocard and it's pretty fucking hot. My question here is, do you know of any ways to keep the video card cooler with this shuttle. There is no room to add any other fans, and it's pissing me off to the point where im going to go to bestbuy on friday and buy a fan just to have it sit next to the videocard to help keep it cool. ;\
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