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Everything posted by asylum

  1. asylum


    Just Want to know if anyone has used "hitcolor" i know people compare it to rusto but would you compare it to ironlak? just looking for some info any reviews on this paint will do. thanx
  2. Dude was out of this world mad styles R.I.P
  3. where did this "josh snitching" happen??? if its true dudes a bitch 306
  4. I know stores in canada sell montana cans. But when i go to thier web site or other sites it always says "will not ship to canada". I was just wondering how the fuck can i order montana cans to canada????
  5. I know stores in canada sell montana cans. But when i go to thier web site or other sites it always says "will not ship to canada". I was just wondering how the fuck can i order montana cans to canada????
  6. nothing wrong with getting ideas but this fucker was clearly biting "reso" and "dare" so similar i bet he was actually sitting there looking at thier shit no questions about it. straight fucking biter!!!
  7. no this is also not the place to link to you favorite wack forum with two members one of whom is your kid sister.
  8. anything goes as long as its graffiti!
  9. as long as its graffiti post it!
  10. werd werd thanx to those with help the rest of you can rest these nuts on ur chin
  11. thanx ntfhdub for the info and stunt double and destruction you two fags can go fuck yourself i dont do canvasas i only bomb like real writers should i just happen to come across a cheap ass canvas and thought way not. toy sucka's sitting on computers allday so eat it bitch's.
  12. anyone got a quik pointer???
  13. yo people i need some help info i just sprayed a background on a canvas how do peeps start thier peice? do you start with a pencil sketch then paint over it? or just go paint it??? i tried a pencil sketch and the pencil didnt show up. what the fuck do i do?????
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