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Everything posted by suca

  1. oh for sure. i think i lost the old one so i never posted but i'll just make a new one in the next few days.
  2. i heard he was a victim at the capitol hill shooting i dont know if hats true though, anyone verify? either way, rip grope
  3. also if anyone wants to get a throwy battle going, give a word and lets go.
  4. yea sounds good. how about by the end of the week though, thursday or friday? i wont have it done by tomarrow i can promise that.
  5. avert on the python battle. though im not thrilled about either.
  6. oh and what happened to the music battle? i have mine done, anyone else do one?
  7. well shit unfortunatly im an 11 in mens but nice work though.
  8. heres a dumb question. ive been bombing trains a little bit recently, but never really deep in the yard. i want to start, but i hear shit about the third rail and how it will electicute you. dumb question: where/what is it that i should be looking out for?
  9. how bout we get some pics of graffiti in here instead of a bunch of pussy-ranting. no one wants to hear any of you guys bitch. if theres a problem, meet about it face to face dont just sit here and throw petty remarks at eachother. post some flicks dammit!
  10. sweet jesus.. i shouldve known that everyone on this forum is completly preoccupied with the idea of finding any excuse to make anyone else feel like a toy. let me draw this out for you guys. i dont know that ive been there. ive been somewhere that looks very simalar to that place. im trying to figure out if thats the same place or not that i've been. theres not a lot of scenery to help me out besides the bridge, and theres a lot of places that look like that (that i know of). im sorry if it's so ridiculously wrong of me to ask for your help in straightening out this pest of a deja vu i got when i saw those pics with the bridge in the backround. really, what was i thinking. what part of me honestly thought you guys would realize that a simple one sentance answer could get this off my mind and get me off your board (if thats what you want, which i think you do). there seem to be a few of you that know what bridge that is and i really dont see how its so hard to just say so.
  11. You would know if youve been there. Stop asking him where thats at. Ask your mom or an informant because guarenteed they know. Everyone and their moms knows of that spot and it doesnt need to get trashed by more kids not knowing what there doing. By the way IMC, most of the shit you guys did down there got dissed by toys, kind of shitty considering the fact you guys had cleaned it up with all them throws.. Quoted post [/b] if hes gonna tell me off let him do it himself. im not gonna go down there and cover up all his shit, i know a lot of the writers in the pics he posted. i just want to know out because i i think ive been there and it looks like a really good spot. if anyones gonna tell me off ots gonna be IMC and if he does, fuck him cuz im just trying to rememebr where it is and its killing me. fuck, im not after anyone.
  12. Hey IMC whered you get those pics on page211? it looks familiar
  13. Hey IMC whered you get those pics on page211? it looks familiar
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