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Verbal Kint

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Everything posted by Verbal Kint

  1. everything is such a fucking travisty with you walter
  2. That mater would be FRESH if it had big demensions goin downward - thats my word Weed, Rusto, Trains, Cash
  3. I was sickened to hear about this - All my love and empathy goes out to the family and crew - PHRITE FOREVER
  4. Here is a dope site where you can post your collosus sightings and he will tell you what they mean, etc - a real dope site it has been inactive awhile and would be dope to start up again: http://members4.boardhost.com/boxcarart/ this one has a few cool interviews - http://www.geocities.com/boxcarart101/interviewpage.html
  5. and some fuglyishous abstract ones:
  6. Not that it matters or that you care either Joker but I think your art is horrible too - but I can also understand why - 2 opposite ends of the spectrum - anyways I will leave this forum free of my art so that you guys can lavish in the joys of seeing the same played out letters, drips, bubbles, shines, and twist bite characters I think that your klique needs to take its own advice and transcend your same circa 99 minimalist styles I realize it my be biting the hand that feeds seeing that this is your boys board and all but damn those weird geometric shit may have been alright in 98 but fuck....
  7. and if you still cant get enough http://www.i-jhea.org/kai/flood_homepage.htm
  8. But seriously seeking I understand that we may have two different views on what is aesthetically pleasing – this is okay – difference is what makes the world go round – What I do find interesting is how my art seems to deeply affects and offend you (both because of the initial post and because you felt the need to repost in weeks later – I am glad you did tho because it has allowed me the opportunity to respond to you valid points). This is a true sign that art is doing it’s job. You seem very defensive (both because of the general tone of your response and personal attacks on me whom you have never met and know nothing about) and that usually that means someone is insecure with themselves. The middle schoolness aside I will respond to the points that I feel are valid. I’m sure that you can easily see the similarities in your response to my art and what the general public feels about your (and all of our) graffiti. It’s all relative. What I find really interesting is that my two newest series of paintings are indeed titled “fruit stripes zebra threw up on a scrap piece of wood” and “bad art factory that's working over time on the back of child labor.” – I guess we can chalk that one up to coincidence - on a side note I also find most 7 year old finger paintings more interesting than “modern art” or for that matter “graffiti”. As far as the commercialization of graffiti - to that I simply say that everyone is doing it nowadays – mark ecko is coming out with a graffiti video game for Christ sakes. I would rather slang some paintings myself (of which I have sold quite a few on EBAY and other wise but that is really none of your business because you are neither my accountant or my wife – although you nag me like one.) I have at least got my hands dirty – done a humble amount of tagging, piecing, bombing, etc. – I am most certainly not claiming I’m a king or that everything I touch is fantastic. I’m not sure which of us is more toy – me hustling money from women and toys on EBAY or you buying ridiculously taxed cans (go find a fucking old hardware store for Christ sakes) – either way I could care less though – Oh and if you really are heartbroken by my “$19.95 hustles” – simply do an advanced search and put “KAI” as a word to exclude. But I think you deep down inside really want me to drop a canvas of your name for you – And you know what – for you I would do it free. By the way I’d like to see what your art looks like (graff or otherwise) just out of curiosity. XOXOXOXOXO Oh by the way my paintings to got flies buzzing all around them Cuz they’re the shit nigga
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