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Everything posted by E_B_A

  1. Okay: http://www.shapelessmass.com/visuals/blackbook/071206.jpg http://www.shapelessmass.com/visuals/blackbook/vivid_yellow.jpg http://www.shapelessmass.com/visuals/blackbook/rose_petals.jpg http://www.shapelessmass.com/visuals/blackbook/wood_panels.jpg
  2. One other thing... I thought my shit was toy for a long time. It was all the other writers telling me it wasn't that made me feel like I had progressed. You don't see letter structure. Whatever... AND YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I PAINT. Oh... but I don't know how much you paint either. CUZ I'VE NEVER SEEN YOUR SHIT. Post it or shut up. And stop picking up shit I said six months ago and acting like it's news.
  3. First off... that post is from about six months ago... Second, you don't have any of your own shit on here to put me down. Third, it's cool not to like my style but so many people don't like someone's style and call out "TOY" and THAT shit is stupid. Like, I don't like CROW's style but the guy can paint and I guarantee he's up more than you. But nothing more toy than calling someone a toy on the internet when you don't post your own shit.
  4. Damn that's hot. I can't even do something close to that.
  5. teedubuzz... I like your shit. Reminds me a lot of EWOK, but not in a biting way. Just similar styles. Fresh.
  6. Yeah... that last piece is fire but the "E" should be there.
  7. Ouch... chop... drop the arrows and extensions right now. Otherwise, good job with the letters and the 3D.
  8. "A" and "T" are good but not really feeling the way the end of the "E" curls up to the right.
  9. I feel like a better person for knowing this thread exists.
  10. Also: can anyone here do the following for me: 1) tag the name "TOYMASTER" around town and on trains and in hard-to-reach spots 2) please rack your own paint for me 3) draw me some killer letters that will help me win all the battles 4) go to Breaklanta, win the graffiti competition, then give me the credit/money 5) become a successful graphic artist with a large franchise of graffiti-based design work and a massive portfolio but please give me all the credit/money/fame/girls/etc. 6) make millions of dollars and give me all the money Somebody please help a brotha out. KTHXBY
  11. drum: please kindly move yourself to the toy section jooper: most tattoo shops will draw your art for you for free if you pay them up front for the tat - why ask writers? Why not use the actual tattoo artists? rubeek and itsfaze1 - NOICE!
  12. Those WACE simples are hot and that ESKOner shit is straight blazing.
  13. http://www.shapelessmass.com/visuals/blackbook/071206_blue_sky.jpg http://www.shapelessmass.com/visuals/blackbook/071206.jpg http://www.shapelessmass.com/visuals/blackbook/071206_green_3D.jpg http://www.shapelessmass.com/visuals/blackbook/071206_green_wrap_around.jpg http://www.shapelessmass.com/visuals/blackbook/manifesto.jpg http://www.shapelessmass.com/visuals/blackbook/rose_petals.jpg http://www.shapelessmass.com/visuals/blackbook/wood_panels.jpg http://www.shapelessmass.com/visuals/blackbook/vivid_yellow.jpg SATIRE * IOF * SEVS
  14. Thanks maza. Oh... and for the record... I did a search of that little bitch Live Fat Die Young's posts... he's a fucking troll. See for yourself: http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/search.php?searchid=71153 All he EVER does is talk shit. Bitch even talks about battling but never posts a letter. I suggest you all do like me... pull up his profile and add him to your ignore list. I've already wasted too much time and energy on this fucknut. Ignore everything on this page and read the paragraph I wrote on the last one. There's helpful info there.
  15. And how can you not see shit? This is what I'm talking about... I didn't post my shit to put anyone down. Just to show that I do have a little skill. I knew people were gonna diss anyway because they are jealous fools... I expect that. But hey, if my advice is not appreciated, lots of luck fellahs. Have fun! SATIRE * IOF CREW * SEVS CREW
  16. Riiiiigggghhht... Okay... whatever... guess I should post more stuff like this: http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/search.php?searchid=71153 Where's the letters? Nah... hate on... it makes you look all cuddly. ANYWAY... I ain't being cocky (like that cock is) but I AM being helpful...
  17. And before anyone starts dissing, here's an example of my shit for comparison to see I'm not some toy spouting off with no skill: I'm not showing you that to put you down. Just to understand that I can burn hard, and you might want to take my words as helpful advice and not act like an idiot in response. I'm trying to help you guys.
  18. How about you all shut the fuck up, stop bitching and give creative, helpful criticism and then, build on that? And if you get helpful, creative criticism, take it as that and learn from it. The problem here is there are two problems... 1) stuck up assholes acting like they are the shit 2) some toys who can't take helpful criticism and whine like little bitches If you don't fall into one of those two catagories, keep on doing your thing. If you do, check yourself... Now, here's some constructive criticism... C Da Skill: I give you credit for going simpler than most. Keep going that route. Right now your 3D has no vanishing points and is not consistent on all letters. Read this: http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/~demo5337/Group6/welcome4.html dashsuperstud: I can't see your shit... it's too small and blurry... don't make it HUGE but try to get a clearer image. otaku: The "O" is off a bit but mainly because you have the letters overlapping a bit except for that one. Bring it closer to the "T" and it will look good. This is a solid start. Keep drawing that and work on that 3D and try to master it but don't change those letters at all. You need to be able to draw them exactly the same over and over from memory. People should look at your sketches and say, "Why the hell do you keep drawing the exact same thing over and over?" and you can just respond with "Practice makes perfect." This leads me to an important secret of graffiti, and something I wish somebody had told my ass when I was a toy: A REAL WRITER DOES THE SAME LETTERS OVER AND OVER. Sure the pieces look different but here's an example: Look at this piece by Cope: http://www.graffitinet.com/img/graffiti/usa/newyork/trains/cope2_0new_45462683n.jpg Now look at this one: http://www.sixcentz.com/blackbook/cope.jpg They look pretty different, right? But in reality, they are THE EXACT SAME LETTERS. There are subtle differences. In the orange one, the "E" has a little part that is kind of poking into the "P" and the "O" has a little serif on the top. But look at the shape and layout... notice how similar they are. EVERY TIME A WRITER DOES A PIECE, HE IS REDRAWING LETTERS HE HAS DRAWN A MILLION TIMES, and I don't mean the letters themselves as in what letters of the alphabet they are... I MEAN THE LETTER FORMS. The shape of them. He draws his "C" the same way every time. He draws his "O" the same every time. So on and so forth. It's the little touches... the extensions, the connections, the colors, etc. that he changes. Maybe, as he progresses, he comes up with more than one set of letters. Like two different ways to draw "C" and "O" and all the other letters in the name. Those are his styles. THINK ABOUT THIS. What it means is that he has to practice those same letters over and over until he knows them. Think of your letter forms like cartoon characters. Bart Simpson is always drawn the same way in every episode. He wears different costumes, is in different situations and has different expressions, but he always looks the same. Your letters are like that. You have to understand how they work with each other, memorize how they are, then master it before you can start tweaking it over time to get wilder or more unique. If you can't understand this concept or don't have the patience for it, QUIT RIGHT NOW. YOU WILL NEVER GET ANY BETTER AND WILL EMBARESS US REAL WRITERS. If you have the patience to keep practicing, LIKE YOU HAVE TO WITH ANY ART FORM, then keep at it and post the results here. That concludes my lesson for today. Go out and hit the books and think about the shit I just said because it WILL help you. Trust me. I used to be a toy just like you.
  19. It's a shame peegee is down cuz I have written the toy's Bible and it's on there... Everything a toy needs to know about markers, names, simples, wheatpaste... Anyone from peegee have a copy of that? It'd be good to post that shit here...
  20. Maybe some of us hardcore writers are here to impart advice to help the toys become better... The reason people are ripping on SOW is because he acted really shitty to constructive criticism. If he can't take that here, how's he gonna feel when he goes out and puts his wack-ass shit up and gets ragged by real writers? You gonna hold his hand and say it's all gonna be all right? I'm saying... boy needs to stop talking shit and start practicing or he's going to keep getting ragged here by other toys...
  21. Also: VARE nailed it. Good job, yo.
  22. SOW: How about is I say you suck? Wanna check my shit and see if the same is true for me? http://www.shapelessmass.com/visuals/blackbook/crumbly_rocks.jpg Cuz I burn your ass on a slow day. How about taking the advice and deflate that ego? SIMPLES are the only thing that will get you better. Talking shit on the internet is not going to help you progress at all, dumbass. Step off and go practice. Or do you want to battle?
  23. amsone: DON'T WRITE PEST. There already is a PEST and he burns you hard... http://www.graffiti.org/pest/pestnoutline.jpg I'd stick with straightline simples right now until you truly master those before I ventured to try ANY stylish shit like those points or that boxy piece.
  24. Damn Jank. That's one of your best right there...
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