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Everything posted by Asiquan

  1. Word to that! ^^^^^^^^^^^ Garbagio en los freightos!
  2. It's a heater man...........hot like jalapenos!!!
  3. I love how SIZE21 caught up with that train later...........I kinda hate those nights in the yard.
  4. True huh!?!? The boy ISTO looking fontastic!!!
  5. Word to that! I saw that at the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Stae, Suap, Frost, Lens, and Celf! FIRE!!!!!!!!
  7. I would venture to say...........Tucson, Arizona!
  8. Word to mama! ^^^^^^^ Mentioning reefers.........FREE SNAFU!!!
  9. Verifiably hated............thanks for the flicks of my unfinished shit!
  10. Size21 and Sigh too........... P.S.............Lep........not a whole ton! Just trying to paint but it's raining tonight! Last night it rained too...........FUCK!!!!!!
  11. That first ADGE is HOT TA DERF!!!!!
  12. Value and Gets again.........keep it up.
  13. The boys Token, Strike and LM! I'm also diggin that Value and Gets.........blow the whistle, huh?!?!? nice
  14. Ah The Toilets...........what a beautiful spot! I love it!
  15. What type of train is this????
  16. Thank you kind sir! I apologize for my inability to select the correct adjective to denote that context. I will be more diligent in future posting. Have a fabulous day and an even better weekend! Sincerely, Asiquan
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