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Everything posted by POIESIS

  1. this just in... Gen. Reinhard Gehlen persuaded the U.S. Army and then the CIA to sponsor his intelligence network even though he employed numerous former Nazis and known war criminals. if you feel like gettin' mad nerdhofferin', i implore you: http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/index.html
  2. ^ it's time for the puppet show..
  3. YAY! i wish my last name was funk.
  4. saul bassmaster. united babblering.....
  5. by the way, i'm diggin that ribbons/bat arm dude up there..
  6. duchamp..a hero in the pantheon..
  7. timewaster 9000: http://www.8nero.net/brushes/
  8. i'm glad you liked it beardo. i was amazed at how chill he was. on a sidenote, there's a book called "war is a force that gives us meaning" by chris hedges where he mentions that war photographers get "high" before they go into a warzone.. a way to eleviate the stress and intense feeling of wanting safety. anyhoo...maybe that explains his chillness.. http://kalashnikov.guns.ru/photos/ak-xxx.jpg'>
  9. negative. dude, check your yahoo email again.. details within'.
  10. ..terrible isn't it? another hero from the personal pantheon: http://www.iama.gr/artgallery/klee.jpg'> http://www.fineartcompanyltd.co.uk/abstract/klee-4.jpg'> http://www.castellots.com/galleria/klee/fondo%20klee.jpg'> http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~liad/klee.jpg'> http://recollectionbooks.com/bleed/images/art/klee.1914.jpg'> http://adela.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~benes/mathphotos/klee.gif'>
  11. no problemo dude.. but as a warning, brakhage films almost never have any sound.
  12. slave..it's worth buying. probably the most amazing thing i've seen. here's my post from page 33/34babbles: brakhage stills I brakhage stills II while we're on the topic of film, i highly recommend peter mettler's "gambling, gods, and lsd" documentary. it's 3hrs long, but if you're down for films that engulf you and make you feel strange...or..perhaps peter's previous documentary, "picture of light".
  13. .. criterion is the shit... and this dvd is flummoxing: http://www.criteriondvd.com/images/front/s184.jpg'>
  14. that second last one is pretty fresh vlad.. now, i don't know about you guys, but this shit is shamelessly blatant: http://www.woostercollective.com/images2/E...ipper-show1.jpg
  15. http://web.inter.nl.net/users/anima/chronoph/muybridge/salto-g.gif'>
  16. muybridge.. http://www.masters-of-photography.com/images/full/muybridge/muybridge_descending_stairs.jpg'> http://www.masters-of-photography.com/images/full/muybridge/muybridge_handkerchief.jpg'> http://www.masters-of-photography.com/images/full/muybridge/muybridge_bouquet.jpg'> http://www.masters-of-photography.com/images/full/muybridge/muybridge_headspring.jpg'> http://www.masters-of-photography.com/images/full/muybridge/muybridge_movement_of_hand.jpg'>
  17. !rage, those polaroid shots are pretty incredible man..super props. i get hyped checking this thread..so much talent.
  18. lucien bull.. http://americanhistory.si.edu/muybridge/img/jpgs/i_1_12_b.jpg'> soap bubble bursting, 1904
  19. ... http://americanhistory.si.edu/muybridge/img/jpgs/i_1_15_b.jpg'>
  20. ..marey http://www.ctie.monash.edu.au/hargrave/images/marey_smoke_trails_750@300.jpg'>
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