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Everything posted by trackstand

  1. Thankfully you are: A. A queer-ass art school student or B. a Cop So either way your opinion is worth fucking nothing.
  2. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahah.
  3. trackstand


    Lebron James Zoom Generations COOL!
  4. So I'm preheating the oven, preparing to heat this pizza. I haven't eaten all day mind you so I am hungry, very hungry... I start eating a slice cold and this was the precise moment that I realized pizza is better cold and seriously... It is.
  5. You all should here this lengthly discussion my grandma is having with her cat downstairs... It's pretty intense.
  6. trackstand


    Hahahah that's great!
  7. So todays adventure... I was hanging out with a good friend of mine who works at a bookstore in pretty active area... A lot of bars and venues... Well we're talking and all of a sudden about 25 police cars come down the street... Plainclothes cops, undercovers, they're all running down the street with their guns out... I guess some local ghetto white rap group was playing at this venue, so there was all this white/spic trash. Any way, I guess a group of girls ganged up on one girl in the bathroom and beat her to death with bottles and stabbed her and all sorts of crazy shit... It was pretty fucking intense. Three out of four of the girls were arrested but one slipped away with the rest of the crowd.
  8. trackstand


    Any way that'll cost under 200 dollars?
  9. trackstand


    Yeah those Alpha Forces are nice! I am wearing all black ones right now,
  10. trackstand


    ugly shoes. that colorway needs to go.
  11. trackstand


    Those aren't the real socks, though
  12. casek - i have mysteriously lost my sound. the volume icon is missing from the start menu, and it says no audio devices were detected. it kind of sucks, i miss listening to music.
  13. trackstand


    I ride 48:16 and I live in a pretty flat city, I like it fine, anything lower I'd think would be too easy.
  14. trackstand


    Cloner - Stupid question but... Is their enough clearance between your headset and toptube for you to do barspins?
  15. trackstand


    in my opinion these are ugly as sin. I don't understand the fasination with them.
  16. the fact that there are 145 pages of people requesting some 12oz girl post her titty pictures is ridiculous... And funny too!
  17. trackstand


    Cool, thanks. I've been also wondering how many of you buy shoes on Ebay? So much of the shoes being sold on there are located in China or Japan leading me to believe they are fake or second factory direct.
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