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Everything posted by skroeape

  1. oui gangedalf you heard correctly!..
  2. caught some moar in rome few years ago defintely one of the ones that caught my attention the most
  3. think you were trying to mention piramide? in Rome which yes although on the B line the B is just another sunway line they have commuters starting at piramide i believe go more to the suburbs which are also good, when i was there even though most of the trains were smashed like crazy for the subs and suburban commuters there was always some random completely clean trains that rolled in lol, and you may find good places to bench where you dont have to worry about what was mentioned.. about the UK i was surprised to hear nothing is running when i was there just 2 years ago (forget the subway/tube obviously if your in London though you never know) in terms of the Br's i got plenty all you need is more patience than in most other countries wait a few hours at any main station you should catch one or two panels as i had unless it really changed in two years, overall caught about 5 panels there and i was only a few hours benching overall, one time the first train i saw getting to London bridge i think had panels.. but someone correct me if it really changed in two years, Prague was fucking AMAZING two years ago has that changed to though?
  4. there are a decent amount of ill places to bench in Europe that are not really mentioned on here..
  5. i wonder how steel is right now in Bari, Foggia or Taranto anyobody have some info on those places??
  6. Skimfirm ncie to esee your doing it again word up i should be out there in January
  7. hey timo have you checked out salreno? nice catches by the way..
  8. JAone hes just plain sexy (yes im a gurl)
  9. haha.. word up scano they look carazy
  10. he has more variety in his throws and pieces than virtually all writers (i find)
  11. i see oneak around once a month.. n try to capture as much shit he has running so far
  12. What year did they start installing cctv camreas inside the tube cariages ? 2003 ? and there was a huge increase right after ha right at least fo a year.. for insides.. unless im wrong?
  13. I havent seen a defitniton of toy where attitude is any factor.. there can be what you consider "asshole" and "cool" 'toys' or "asshole" and "cool" 'kings'.. leave attitude out of it unless you want to come up with some slick new defintion
  14. !!yo stylesking around what year was that photo taken?/magizine or book from
  15. woops (was reffering to last flix on pg 114
  16. beautiful photo, st. henri fact tag behind old cellblock + part of an old moronik jk tag in green on top!!.. too many memorise to make refference to ...
  17. sick ass Eurotour update.. chio r.i.p , rusto italian panel
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