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Everything posted by oddio1

  1. half way down the page, i posted a bunch on monikers in my freight thread... http://12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=98452&page=19
  2. XOisbettah is pete... posting the picture i found on his blog to try and say its not him...
  3. Re: Teeth in the Vag? the next thing down on that wikipedia link is a anti rape condom that leaves barbs in the penis of the rapist, that have to be surgically removed.... how pissed would you be to fuck a girl that forgot to take it out... and who would want to wear that all the time just in case you get raped..
  4. that might be taking it too far..
  5. actually i thought this was one of the better pointless threads i have seen... weather its a joke or not, i kinda know what he means, in a completely non sexual way... 'she's on my lap right now' HAHAAH funny...
  6. a fill in over a hollow and a tag.. hardly worth questioning...
  7. i think this guy is from here....
  8. didnt get a pan shot of it.. thought it was obvious where it was... sorry. here are the rest i forgot to post before....
  9. theres a good chance im a few blocks off.
  10. the truck on 34th and division. javiers is cool if its late.. don ponchos on 14th and alberta is the spot though.. shouldnt that last flick say late 80's babies?
  11. this thread looks hella garbage, but...
  12. a nice welcome back from safe fun...
  13. not at all.. im in quite a good mood actually..
  14. thanks for the obvious possibilities.. it was more than less a rhetorical question...
  15. i realise that.. question was, what happened to them.
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