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Everything posted by Gates

  1. koo, that it's koo with you..just gotta get icemans aproval i guess.......
  2. if i can be down for that battle, iceman and propa..can it be AKE?
  3. ugh..i don't do characters..names?...are names?...words?...
  4. aight i'm up for another battle....peace gotta head to the escuela...lates...
  5. thanks for tellin me yaah i was thinking about getting it..oh wel..
  6. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/cupe/IMG_0033.jpg'> for CLE...
  7. ^^same here..but i don't even have nero or garvey..hahah.ahahaaha:lol:
  8. sound good tomorrow due before 8 eastern time
  9. who knows about that one..i seee the flowpen a bit nicer but thta's it...to me they both pretty much the same...i've had both......
  10. anyone up for a battle?...pick the word.throwy or whatever..
  11. for that hard staining shit..look back in the thread for that one too..
  12. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/cupe/IMG_0001.jpg'> ........?feedback?..............
  13. you don't have enough arrows saved02
  14. Gates


    double post, hehe..btw, hot throw up up there.
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