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Everything posted by Ravek

  1. Ravek


    dope hand ^ looks like an aussie style
  2. that bogl is dope, i saw some of his hands in philly on south street a whille ago
  3. i eat emo fags for breakfast
  4. i say overlap ur letters then put the 3d on, or space out ur letters so nothing touches at all then put an bold outline to stick it all together and make it pop out.... then paint it
  5. holy shit stix howd u know i have blonde hair and blue eyes, lol. i see myself more as a graff comunist then a nazi haha
  6. word thanks for that bit of advice stix
  7. stix i'm 14 turning 15 in august and i'm out painting heh heh heh and i straded stupplies with another kid from hawaii i kno this is the sketch forum, but don't know were else to post this cus this is the only toy thread... and i got a brand new camera with a hundred dollars of cus of my ill coupon finding skills, stix i sense ur the only one who has any expierence in this thread so whatcha think
  8. ok ive been writing for a year and a half and i don't know were to post MY stuff in this forum and i know i'm not that good, and i don't wanna seem cocky and make a new thread so i'm posting it here, since this is the toy thread, and i kno its for sketchs and stuff but wut the hell. the trains in my yard are always moving so i do them quick, even tho i shud slow down and paint them better, and everything i do is freestyled bringing sketches to paint is not fun, my friends come paint fr8s with me so if u see any wierd faces or wiener on the trains thats not mine, its my friends the dick around wen i paint some other crap
  9. elmers glue bottle with industrial cap nad plunger i found at school filled with home made purple ish perwrinkle paint the damage it takes a little practice to work and the nozzle gets a little painty after u use it, so i'm thinkin of a way to to dry and i use it as i carry it around, and the nozzle shuts air tight when u don't use so i don't have to a cap
  10. hey can i get in on the shine battle?
  11. hey panty rider if those are ur characters ive ccaught them rolling through my yard before, its an awesome canvas to
  12. i filled in the 3d by accident angry kids, is it still good? loser battle i was gonna make last minute adjustments but changed my mind
  13. hey man i'm down for the battle, i'll give you my sketch tomoro
  14. some shit from 2004 i wanna get some of newer sketches on here but my scanner isn't working yet
  15. spray paint.... i wanna add somthing else but i think i might leave it the way it is
  16. the shit in this thread sucks
  17. Ravek


    o man this forum has some really good writers on hear, its so inspiring
  18. ugghh i should redo that phunk sketch then, the battle deadline is wednesday and its an E crew battle
  19. holiday phunk battle at BS and HP day ive been writing for a year and i don't see myself as a toy but nor do i see myself as an awesome writer.... some insight on who i am
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