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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. we link up with BOAT N HOES (my first time meeting him)..really chill guy. reminds me of a homie from sacramento. so im kinda grilling him on his city (sorry about that BOAT)...im asking him, whats there to do, where are all the fat latinas, where are some spots to eat, where are all the fat latinas, where are some spots to chill, where are all the fat latinas, where are some spots to bench, where are all the fat latinas, etc etc.. so before i had got to san diego, i heard of this place called the gas lamp district...so we met BOAT there. then we wanted to hit up another area in the gas lamp, so we took my car and drove for like half an hour trying to find a chill (AND FREE...because in sacramento, I never pay for parking) place to park...we finally find a spot and hit up some bars...some bars were really sweating people on the dress code..and since im used to hitting up dive bars in normal people clothes, i wasnt dressed to impress..but we finally found this spot that had some chil bouncers and let us get up in there.. the place was called Malonys.. bought some drinks and chilled...some cute females in here..but all were in shape, so i wasnt feeling them...but we chilled and then shot some pool. after posting up for a bit, we dipped out and i wanted to flick the nightlife and managed to get a flick of someone from Team Lucha Libre in the flick...can you find him?? on the way back to the car, i saw a cute mexican girl walking in front of us with her boyfriend...even though she wasnt fat, she had a cool little ass, so while we were behind them at the crosswalk, i flicked this picture.. seen some dude cruising, and i wanted to flick his car, but he was driving pretty fast for cruising....i dont think he got the memo...
  2. anyways...got back in the car and continued driving till i saw San Diego start to appear.. heres me get close to San Diego and the buildings.. can you see the buildings? and all the bugs that died on my windshield? heres a better view of me getting into the city... finally made it in, and my boy was at work, so I decided to get some food real quick at Burger King....it got dark, and the area I was in was pretty hood..there are lots of surenos in San Diego..lol. so I waited and walked around the streets like i belonged there and smacked up some slap tags...my boy finally gets there and hes on his bike (pics of said bike in later post)..and hes like "follow me and keep up"...so im like "ay fool dont be driving all stupid and shit..i dont know this city and im not trying to get lost out here"...and hes all "trust me"...then he floors it. i almost lost him like 4 or 5 times, but we finally get to his apartment....wow...hes living in a very very sketchy ass neighborhood..but its whatever..i get there and freshen up and call BOAT N HOES to kick it with us.
  3. here are some animals that were getting fed cheeto puffs and peanuts by some people... rabbits.. seagulls, rabbits and a weird ass squirrel looking right at me...can you see him??.. hungry mo fos.. sacramento squirrels dont look like this... this nigga was chillin in the shade..
  4. that was the leg of the trip...to L.A.....so the next day at around mid afternoon, I leave for part 2 of the trip..San Diego, to visit my homie who is stationed in the navy out there...i thought traffic to San Diego was going to be a bitch, especially since the Dodger game was getting out, but it wasnt too bad.... heres me...on the road again.. sorry about the blurry flick, I realize now how hard it is to be doing about 85 while trying to steer and keep the camera steady to take a flick of something..heres a sign that said San Diego.. about a little over an hour into the drive, i saw the ocean and a sign that said vista point (thats californian for view point), and decided to pull over and take a break from driving, see the ocean, take flicks and throw away the water bottle full of sunflower seeds....this is all you need to know about the viewpoint.. cool little spot...living in the valley of california, I dont get to see the ocean like this. beautiful.. heres a picture with a bird in it...lol..
  5. next, on a full stomach, I wanted to go get some flicks of the local graff n dance...and peep out the MTA roller in the L.A. river before it got buffed...I remember that the Saber piece was buffed shortly before I got into L.A., so that dates my trip to when this was.. here are some flicks of the graff n dance.. these are just a few of the flicks i took...if you want to see all the flicks, go to the L.A. thread in Brickslayers. *edit: heres a link to the L.A. thread.. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=96867&page=199 more...
  6. we finally left the guys spot, and he told me that if im ever in L.A. again to come through and kick it..hes friends with all of my cousins...i think im gonna take him up on that offer especially since my cousin told me how he hits expensive clubs, hollers at fine women and brings them back to his spot...caligula is mad jealous :( anyways...ran some errands with my cousin and got back to his place and then left to meet up with IOU for some good old fashioned grubbin at Rosco's chicken and waffles in Hollywood. heres a nice flick of the Hollywood sign I took after we parked the car... got into roscoe's and the MEXICAN waiter came and took our order..this is what we ate.. IOU got the gravy chicken with grits.. and a biscuit (or was it cornbread?).. i got the chicken and waffles.. with a side of mac and cheese.. washed it down with some lemonaid...YUM!! they need a rosco's here in sacramento! delicious!
  7. brooklyn! here are some of the other rooms.. even with it being Beverly Hills and all, they have a lizard problem I guess, cause this guy was chillin when we were in the backyard blazing up (reminds me of the cheech and chong movie)..
  8. one of the showers.. view of the backyard.. upstairs area..(sorry about the flick...i think ive got early signs of Parkinsons)
  9. heres the living room....notice the huge plasma tv screen with all the security cams on it...there was a plamsa screen in every fucking room!...and i didnt even flick all the rooms!.. this was the bar in the house...notice the bottles of cristal..lol.. heres my cousin posing with the bottles of cristal..hahaha.. he was doing it to be funny..because our family is super broke compared to ho this 23 year old and his brother were living.
  10. anyways, back to my post.. my cousin wanted to stop by his homie's house and smoke some kush..so we went on an excursion...the area we were driving to got nicer and nicer and nicer..until we ended up in Beverly Hills. My cousin then tells me about his homie (who is only 23) and his older brother (who is only 27) and that they live in this nice house.. he tells me their parents live at some multimillion dollar mansion somewhere in Texas, but that this house belongs to the brother, who used his parents money to start up a business of buying old mansions worth millions, then modernizing them by making everything digital (plasma tvs, security systems, kitchens, etc.) and then reselling them for much more...basically million dollar fixer uppers. i didnt believe him until we pulled up to the house (the older brother was out of town in London doing business, and the younger brother was chillin watching tv in the backyard...) here was his and his brothers house (well, really his brothers).. and this was the backyard area with an outdoor plasma tv.. the guy was hella cool and down to earth, but my cousin said his older brother was a dick...but he let me flick his house.. heres the kitchen...weird thing was there wasnt any fridges or microwaves...it was all cabinets...but it turns out the fridge was one of the cabinets and the microwave was another cabinet...everything was camouflaged..
  11. thanks for fucking up my flow of pictures toilet seat. :mad: :mad:
  12. finally drove another 40 minutes having to pee really really bad and stopped into a gas station and peed all over the urinal (no pics..sorry)...got some more gas before hitting an area between Sacramento and L.A. called the grapevine. here you can see the grapevine off in the distance..it runs through those hills/mountains.. heres the view right at the beginning of the grapevine.. finally made it into L.A. and was starving....linked up with my cousin and we rolled out to the Farmer's Market off of Fairfax, which has a dope food court..they have different types of food..italian, chinese, german, brazilian, etc etc....they even had southern food, and last time I was at the food court I was interested in getting alligator meat..but last time i was full, so this time I felt adventurous.... my cousin wasnt as adventerous and stuck with the jumbalaya, cornbread and sweet potato chips.. and i got the alligator...which I didnt want with rice, but as a po' boy sammich...so thats what I ordered.. it tasted "different" :o ...we'll just keep it at that...
  13. New page! :) Ok...so I have actually never really taken the time to post a day in my pies. Mostly because my day consists of a shitty commute, then going to classes, studying at the library, then shitty commute home, then gym and then sleep...pretty boring, and i doubt it can compare to some of the epic posts in this thread. So i usually just come in here and comment on other people's day in pies. But, a few months back, I decided to go on a road trip to San Diego (which I hadn't been to in almost 20 years) and on the way down, stop and visit family in L.A., and meet up with a few 12oontzers during the process. So I decided to document it with pies and finally post in this thread. I honestly wouldn't mind doing it more often, but when im in a boring routine, I doubt anyone would want to see it. Since I am the king of procrastination, I am finally getting around to posting pics of the trip which happened last September (or was it August?...or maybe October?...i cant remember) So without further a due, my first day in pies post (with narration): About 60 or 70 miles into my trip (taking Interstate 5 south).. nothing but dry land and a 2 lane stretch of highway...more than 300 miles left to L.A. ...but i had sunflower seeds and hip hop to keep me busy...sorry about my huge cracked windshield and dirty car...thats how I roll) snapped this flick...231 more miles to go....when i uploaded the pictures to my computer a few months after, I noticed that I had also flicked a UFO or shooting star or something.. can you see it?? drove some more...and realized that all the water i had been drinking with the sunflower seeds caused me to have to pee really bad...fortunately I saw a sign that said "rest area ahead 30 miles".....so I was like...fuck it...i can hold it for another 20 minutes or so....got all the way there and saw this... FUCK!
  14. :lol:....no but seriously thats fucked up :( :lol:
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