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Everything posted by droptheknife

  1. being english i am not the greatest fan of the french. But their graff is heavy and i'd rather paint with a frog than some jumped up yankee.
  2. your a fucking moron.shut up.
  3. why don't u pm each other instead of filling this thread with rubbish.
  4. dunno why you boys get all shouty about having montana. belton/molotow is far far better. monty is tuff for bombing and fills but for outlines it just falls down hard. especially that fucking awful german crap.
  5. two exes thats about it for the full in and out.
  6. looks like you went on a nice little tour mate. big up
  7. I know this has probably been asked thousands of times before but how do you make that silver crink shit? I would love a mop full of it to hit dark surfaces.
  8. This thread needs flics so heres one to get us back on track. Nicked from stradanove.net
  9. 5003 your a big head wanker. "keep my name out your mouth" your an idiot mate. Keep chatting shit and looking like an cock sucker.
  10. 5003 who the fuck are you to tell people what they can and can't do?! You fucking internet queen...shut up. bump for the stickers by the way.
  11. I can see why you have over 1000 posts....you just post pure crap. You think mad posts makes you a big lad? Back to the drawing board muppet face.:lol:
  12. Did anyone ask for your opinion? No thought not...now keep your bullshit uneducated opinions to your self.
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