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Everything posted by chumbawumba

  1. Heres a tip- Before you use it smash the nib down on a piece of paper a few times so the nib gets juicy. Plus once you use it alot the nib will start to tear a little on the top, which can be good if you want more drips but don't mind lines that aren't as clean as a brand new nib. Basically, it works better after alot of usage. When the nib tears it starts to loosen up and more ink will flow through = drips. With my Mini Flowpen I don't even need to use the pump system, I have it filled with Garvey and I don't even need to press down to get drips. I love it. I can even get decent drips out of my Mini H2B. It works the same way, just scrape it on concrete a little if you don't want to wait for it to tear itself. More ink will flow out and you will get drips. I can't get drips as easily as my Mini Flowpen, because I need to use the pump system and apply some pressure but I still like it. Its good for like half-inch drips that don't totally smother the letters. You can always just use the old pin the shit out of the nib method, which works. No, your totally wrong. Marsh doesn't stain at all.
  2. Oh man.. you won't be dissapointed. I just got my order in from LCP, I got a Mini Flowpen in every flavor. They actually drip, very easy to control as well. I love these bitches.
  3. Well this thread has certainly gone downhill a bit. Darn.. now I have the sound of that guy singing "Its all downhill from here" in my head. It sounds like someone is squeezing his balls when he sings :lol:. Personally I think this thread needs some serious Queer Eye-ing, all the usefull info should be edited onto the front page, and then this thread should be locked. The only thing going on in this thread is stupid newbies asking questions that have been answered thousands of times, I think the mods should just devote some serious time to editing it, throw all the good shit on the front page and delete everything else. Then we also won't have stupid excuses for stupid questions like "but its toooooo long!" and shit. If we do that ^ bam we got a killer ink thread with everything there is to know.
  4. Get the mini OTR Flowpens off of Liquidcrack, they're supreme.
  5. Nice work.. although I have no idea what you are doing in this step: http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00432384f00000012.jpg But, one way or another nice job. Now my question.. Whats that red looking stuff in that glass bottle in the pic above?
  6. Waste of money on the City Wide. Get Krink.
  7. Hmm.. I thought it was in the profile of the user. Either way its buyagunstartawar@yahoo.com :D
  8. Omen, I wouldn't mind stopping by your house to get some red and blue Garvey. Email me..
  9. Looks dope. Get me on aim later, I'm going to be posting measurments of mine soon as well. EDIT: Word on the Adio shoes, I've got Kenny Andersons. What about you?
  10. I got bagged in the bathroom once. It was a multiple person bathroom, and I was writing with a Deco Color Paint Marker, and I was in there for a good while. Am employee walked into the bathroom (at the time I didn't know it was an employee), and he started sneezing because of the Paint Marker smell. He pretended to wash his hands until I got out of the stall and to my suprise he was right there waiting for me. He stuck his head inside of the stall and saw what I had done. I covered a really large portion of one entire side. He grabbed my arm and took me to the back of the restaurant and handed me a rag and a bucket of cleaner. It was easy to get off, so I was out of there in 15 minutes at the most. The guy told me I couldn't come back, and I never got up in a stall since then.
  11. In the one right before the last picture, if you look closely you can notice a tiny Obey sticker on the left.. just thought I would point that out.
  12. Man.. I feel bad for this poor guy :(
  13. More Flictures! http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/Dupe_COC7.jpg'> http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/Dupe_COCK6.jpg'> http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/Dupe_COC4.jpg'> http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/Dupe_COCK5.jpg'>
  14. Thanks.. I'm going to get some more in a little while. Some nogga on my block caught me writing on his property (not his actual house, he owns like a factory building) and the last thing I need is to bump into him again :o
  15. Flictures http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/Slowpoke_and_Bob.jpg'> Shit happens :( http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/SR2.jpg'> SR. http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/Jane2.jpg'> Yours truly. http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/Jane.jpg'> Once again, yours truly. http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/Dupe_COC2.jpg'> Dupe.. Me. http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/Slowpoke.jpg'> Slowpoke. http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/Bob_and_Mudwhistle.jpg'> Mudwhistle and Bobski. And now my personal favorite.. http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/Various.jpg'>
  16. Dude etch cream (Armour Etch) sucks so much balls. We are talking about Etch BATH (sorry, I know this shouldn't be spoken about but I'm just trying to straighten things out). Etch Bath is a brown liquid, with a bad stench. Armour Etch is a thick paste way too thick to flow through any marker in a thousands years, and is usually applied to the surface with a sponge, and it takes over 48 hours for it to fully etch and frost the surface, with Etch Bath going to work as soon as it is applied taking a few minutes at the most. Ader47- you know me man haha im the etch freak.. I got 5 bottles now tell me when you get the Corio and I'll send it right out to you. Now, before we all get banned lets get back to the subject of Marker Mods. All apologies to mods and admins.
  17. I was talking to the guy on AIM about it and everytime I told him to email them and tell them what happened he immediantly responded with "HAHAHAHAHAH". Either way, I have ordered miniwides of Artprimo with no problem. It came in 2 days and I think this site is going to be the best mail order once they get those OTR Markers and finish the line of Belton paint. I believe they are getting Montana, as well. I must say this put me down a bit, but I will continue to order off of their website because it has done nothing but satisfied me so far.
  18. The only site that I know of that sells Nero does not have it in stock, but cop your Marsh at Urban Designz.
  19. BUFF TEST The surface is metal, I used a Curve cologne tin. I gave the inks a little more then an hour to dry. The buffer is called Oops or some shit like that. http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/BuffTestRedPilotInkVioletGarveyBefore.jpg'> http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/BuffTestRedPilotInkVioletGarveyAfter.jpg'> http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/BuffTestVioletGarveyBefore.jpg'> http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/BuffTestVioletGarveyAfter.jpg'> http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/BuffTestMarsh_OTRGriffinBefore.jpg'> http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/BuffTestMarshOTRGriffinAfter.jpg'> http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/BuffTestBluePlotInkBefore.jpg'> http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/BuffTestBluePilotInkAfter.jpg'> From the conclusion of the tests, I would have to reccomend OTR Hard to Buff, Violet Garvey, and a mixture of Red Pilot Ink and Violet Garvey. The inks will have different effects on different surfaces for example I have had Griffin stain like a bitch on a painted surface, and I have had OTR Hard to Buff come off with no stain at all on a painted surface. If your hitting metal, definitley invest in some of those inks if you want it to last. I still can't get over how hard the Red Pilot Ink and Violet Garvey stained.. I am definitley going to try adding that to other inks as well. I hope this helped.
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