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Everything posted by chumbawumba

  1. Aside from the fact thats its been stated in this thread many times before that violet carbon paper + denaturated alcohol create a violet ink, 60F1 just said it in the last page: http://www.orizion.indy-solutions.com/uploader/uploaded/Post.JPG'>
  2. ORBIT I will do collabs with you. Do you have AIM?
  3. Where do you all get your violet carbon paper?
  4. That Fiend sticker gave me an awesome idea. I remember using this thing along time ago to make a poster for myself. It's called the Rasterbator, and if you make your stickers on the computer then it will be great to make huge stickers, just upload your image onto the Rasterbator and it prints it out over a bunch of sheets to make it one big picture when you connect them. It could also work for wheatpastes.. http://homokaasu.org/rasterbator/
  5. Maybe so.. but its not supposed to work that way.
  6. Well, Omen has said that adding that powder shit would fuck it up, but I don't have any personal experience of doing it. But I added OTR Flowpen Blue Ink to Violet Garvey and it didn't leave ANY stain on ANY surface..
  7. This has been said before but I'll say it again. Don't add any of that powder shit to Garvey because it will just fuck it up..
  8. Didn't try it out yet :rolleyes:
  9. hey guyz i wana kn0 h0w to get my marka mad dripy n shit i wan mad fresh n phat tagz can u tel me how
  10. I just got some sweet colored ink. I had 3 Mini Flowpens and just as I was about to take em out with me I noticed they were running on E. They were black green and blue. I wanted to whip up something quick and hard staining so I just threw some Garvey in each one. The Violet Garvey mixed with the OTR colors and gave me some fresh dark colors :king: This thread needs to liven up a little bit.
  11. Thanks Gates, nice flicks. I'm really feeling that bomb, too. Stay up, Chumba.
  12. BOB.. I had to do that to catch your eye because it seems you didn't notice my other post a few pages back. I asked you about which silver you use to cover the blue bar uptop the usps labels, I figured it out before you answered and then edited the post regaurding what black markers you use to outline the silvers. Every black marker I have used totally dissapeard into the silver, I got a black paintmarker today and it still seeps into the silver just not as much. What do you use to outline your silvers because the lines are always solid..
  13. Either you wake up late or mail comes extremely early over your way.
  14. Hey fr0st, I never knew you were Toro. Anyway if I'd have known that I would have put it up for you and used a regular Toro for the skateboard, sorry :(
  15. Yeah I've used Painty, there Zigs. I only used darkers colors which covered well, most dark colors do. This is a lighter color and I'm suprised the blue ontop didn't show through like on Decos. Thanks for the post, it may be the ones he uses. If so, DBD, where do you get silver ones? Also, do you use paintmarkers do outline your silvers? Every black ink marker I have used seeped right into the silver..
  16. I know its the streets thread but.. Bob, I believe I have asked you this before but I forgot. What paintmarkers do you use for your stickers? The coverage is superb, with Deco Colors, you would see the blue right through the top on this sticker. http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/IMG_0602.jpg'> Weren't they called like Painters or something?
  17. http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/phake/IMG_0601.jpg'> Toro Skateboard.
  18. Hmm.. that doesn't look like its in a place alot of people will see it.
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